Can I get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy?

The question of whether to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy is of interest to all women who have encountered such a violation. Immediately need to say that this complication can not be an absolute obstacle to the birth of a child in the future. However, the likelihood of its occurrence, often decreases, especially when doctors together with the fetal egg remove one of the fallopian tubes. Let's talk in more detail about this complication of pregnancy, and we will dwell in detail on how a woman is more likely to become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy.

What determines the possibility of pregnancy after ectopic?

First of all, it must be said that the subsequent pregnancy is directly influenced by the fact where the fetal egg was located in the fallopian tube and how much it was damaged during the operation.

So, often when a violation is found at a late stage, doctors decide to remove the fetal egg along with the fallopian tube. In such cases, the probability of subsequent pregnancies decreases by approximately 50%. It is in such situations that women are asked the question: how can one get pregnant with an existing one fallopian tube after an ectopic tube. In fact, this is possible.

If we talk about how much you can get pregnant again after an ectopic pregnancy, you need to notice that it can happen in the next menstrual cycle. However, in order for the body to recover, doctors prescribe oral contraceptives, which women take for six months.

Through what time it is possible to plan a new pregnancy?

For almost 6 months, gynecologists are recommended to be protected. The whole point is that the body needs time to recover. During this time, the woman undergoes numerous examinations, in order to find out the causes of the onset of ectopic pregnancy in the past. So, tests for infectious diseases, chlamydia, gonorrhea are prescribed. Ultrasound is used to diagnose the condition of the reproductive organs in a woman.

How to become a mother after an ectopic pregnancy?

Most doctors on the question of women, whether it is possible to become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy, respond positively. However, they must strictly follow the recommendations received. As a rule, they concern observance of the regime of the day, elimination of stressful situations, reduction of physical exertion.

Themselves doctors are trying to establish the cause of ectopic pregnancy. In those cases when the complication is caused by a violation of patency (the presence of adhesions in the small pelvis ), a hysterography is prescribed, which allows for diagnosis. In the case of an identified obstruction, laparoscopy is prescribed.

Talking about whether it is possible to become pregnant after two ectopic pregnancies, then first of all it is necessary to take into account this fact: in both cases, the fetal egg is localized in the same tube and whether the woman has at least one healthy fallopian tube. If so, then the woman has the opportunity to conceive and give birth to a baby.