Althea root - medicinal properties and contraindications

In folk medicine, different plants have been used for a long time. This list includes the root of the althea - it has a mass of medicinal properties and minor contraindications. It contains the same number of active compounds as in flax seeds . Getting inside, the substance is divided into components that envelop the mucous membrane, protecting it from irritants. This leads to the fact that damaged tissue is more quickly restored and inflammation goes away.

Useful properties and contraindications to the root of althea

The root mainly consists of plant mucus, which includes: starch, polysaccharides, acids and other components. The main therapeutic component is a viscous substance. Most often it is used to create a water infusion. The drug protects the mucous membranes from inflammation. That is why it is recommended for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases. The most famous drug on the basis of the plant is Mucaltin - it is used to combat lung and respiratory diseases.

The plant, as well as preparations based on it, should not be taken to people who have diabetes mellitus. In addition, it is undesirable to use it with other drugs aimed at fighting cough. Although the root of the althaea possesses a mass of useful properties, in rare cases there were problems with the respiratory system and chronic constipation. It is undesirable to take it during pregnancy.

Folk remedies from the root of the althaea

The plant has long been popular for treating various diseases. There are several basic folk recipes.

Infusion of althea root


Preparation and use

The dry plant is flooded with water at room temperature. Leaves for two hours. After this, the solution must be filtered through gauze. You can use honey for taste. One tablespoon is taken every hour. The healing properties of the althea root can significantly accelerate the healing process.

Syringe root of althea


Application and preparation

Sugar syrup is heated over low heat. Powder is added and left for a few minutes. After the mass swells, the mixture is thoroughly mixed. This kind of syrup is used for the treatment of respiratory tract ailments, which are accompanied by cough and sputum secretion. This medicine can be bought at a pharmacy. It is sold without a prescription.