Enoterapiya - effective treatment of wine

Recipes of traditional medicine do not lose their relevance for many years, and a huge number of people confirm their effectiveness. Not everyone knows what enotherapy is, but some will be surprised by the fact that they themselves do not know it, they use it in the treatment of certain diseases.

What is enotherapy?

The popular method of human treatment, involving the use of grape wine, is called enotherapy. The healing properties of this alcoholic beverage have been known since ancient times, so Cleopatra was treated with her help. Enotherapy is a technique with a number of useful properties:

  1. Wine promotes the purification of the body, improves the breathing of cells and normalizes metabolism .
  2. The drink has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, helping to fight stress.
  3. It is recommended such treatment in the presence of gout and rheumatism.
  4. Vinotherapy implies the use of warmed wine, which is effective for colds.

Hot wine for colds

To treat with an alcoholic beverage was effective, it is necessary to take into account a number of features:

  1. When explaining, enoterapy - what is it, it is worth pointing out that the technique implies the use of only natural wine, which has passed all the stages of preparation and aging, otherwise the therapeutic effect can not be expected.
  2. It is best to use beverages of red color, because during the manufacture of berries does not remove the skin, rich in useful substances.
  3. Because enotherapy is treatment with wine, that is alcohol, it is important to keep the dosage. The norm, which can not be exceeded, is 300 g for men and 200 g for women.

Hot wine from cough

Coughing attacks often do not give you sleep and cause a lot of discomfort, so you need to fight with them, for example, using wine from a cold. Many just drink a hot drink, but it is better to cook mulled wine , adding a few useful products. You need to drink no more than one cup, because alcohol is stored.



  • Enoterapy means the use of hot wine, therefore, first it should be put on a slow fire, so that the temperature does not exceed 70 ° C.
  • Wash the orange thoroughly, cut it into pieces and send it to the wine.
  • Add ginger, cinnamon, cloves and black pepper peas. When the drink warms up well, turn off the heat, add the nutmeg and leave the drink under the lid. Insist 6-8 minutes.
  • It remains to strain the mulled wine, cool a little, add honey and pour over the cups.
  • Treatment of angina with wine

    Many people suffer from cold sore throat, accompanied by fever, sore throat , weakness and other symptoms. At the first unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Enotherapy can be used only with the permission of a specialist. There is for this a special recipe.



    1. Wash well, and then, chop the leaves into a meat grinder or blender.
    2. To the resulting mass, add the remaining ingredients and put everything in the jar. Wrap it with a dark cloth and leave it out of the sun for five days.
    3. Treat the throat with wine, strain the medicine and take it 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.

    Treatment of bronchitis with wine

    Another common inflammatory disease of the respiratory system, which affects the bronchi. Since ancient times, enoterapy is used - treatment with wine, and it is believed that if you drink a cup of mulled wine for the night, the recipe of which is discussed above, you can cope with bronchitis for a day. You can use another drink.



    1. Pour the wine into the saucepan and put it on a small fire. When the drink warms up a little, add the plantain and cover. It is recommended to stir everything from time to time.
    2. After boiling, transfer the container for half an hour to a water bath.
    3. Take this medicine should be at 0.5 st. twice a day. Therapy with wine lasts 15 days.