Prayer Prayer

A wonderful sense of purity is so inviting and attractive, but for some reason we are lazy to evoke this sensation from ourselves once or twice. Your body is weightless, the soul is filled with divine light, and you want to fly ...

This effect can be easily achieved with the help of prayer, because this state is nothing but a soul after cleansing. Yes, it is, "purges". We wash ourselves under the shower every day, brush our teeth, wash clothes - they are contaminated. And what about the soul? Does it have the property of automatic purification? Alas, or fortunately, no. It also needs to be taken care of daily.

The best prayer for cleaning

The only prayer , created not by man, but by God, is "Our Father". Her followers bequeathed Jesus. It is her text that can serve as a universal prayer for purification, healing, forgiveness, repentance and everything your soul desires.

Purification of the soul by this prayer is due to the fact that it contains everything that is in all other prayers:

How to be cleansed by prayer?

There are two ways - the first works as a "general cleaning", the second - as a broom sweeps something that is missed by a vacuum cleaner.

The first method of purifying the soul and body with the prayer "Our Father" is to study each chakra separately. You need to close your eyes, concentrate on your inner vision and say "I". You should hear the echo of the body you uttered in one of the chakras. When this succeeds, move your energy, thoughts, feelings into the lower chakra - muladhara and start reading "Our Father".

Read the prayer until you feel that the energy of the chakra "stirred", the process of healing and displacement of the negative began.

By this prayer, we purify the body and mind, walking along the chakras until the appearance in each of them of the characteristic feelings. Having finished the work with the upper chakra - Sahasram, one must mentally, in the words of one prayer, conduct energy down the energy channel to the Muladhara, and then on another prayer - up to the Sahasrara.

Now sit in silence and get out of this euphoric state.

Some especially damaged chakras may require more work - you can return to them daily and heal separately.

To do this, just read the prayer "Our Father" without visualization. This is the second way. You "purify" because prayer itself will find a point where everything is not all right and will drive out all negative from there.

Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, Who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name,

Thy Kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

as in heaven and earth.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtor;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For yours is the kingdom and power and glory for ever.
