Can I dye my eyebrows with hair dye?

Women by nature are endowed with beauty from birth, but to emphasize it or add changes and brightness always want.

Mostly, attention is paid to the make-up of the eyes and lips to add expressiveness to them. But we must not forget about the eyebrows, which need care. To obtain a beautiful and neat form they must be regularly plucked from excess hairs that bring unevenness, bruising, etc. And if the eyebrows are too light or gray, then they can be dyed, to give a suitable shade, emphasizing the completeness of your image.

Can I dye my eyebrows with hair spray or not?

The procedure for eyebrow dyeing is not offered only by the most impoverished cabinet of hairdressing services, so it is usually not difficult to find a master.

But if your goal is to save or reduce the frequency of visits to the beauty salon, you can try it at home. And here the question immediately arises: "What is the color of the eyebrows, not the same color for the hair?". Of course not, because the skin on the face, especially in the eye area, is very sensitive, compared to the skin on the head. Also, the hairs on the face are thinner and more tender, and the coloring reagents in the hair dye are saturated and sharp and can simply burn the eyebrows, and on the skin leave burns, irritations and redness. That's why you can not paint your eyebrows with hair dye. And even on packages of any such paint will be indicated that it is forbidden to dye eyebrows or eyelashes.

Than you need to paint your eyebrows?

For the face part of the hair structures in paints, coloring substances of a more gentle type are used, since in their development the above-listed features of the eyebrow, eyelash and skin structure were taken into account. Therefore, for such purposes it is worthwhile to purchase specialized paint, which is sold in almost every store cosmetics. Therefore, remember that you can paint your eyebrows only with eyebrow paint, but not hair.

Today there is one more modern way of coloring the eyebrows - this is tattooing, or, in the specialized language, permanent make-up. One painting is enough for almost a year.

And for those who do not want to use such long-term methods or they can not afford it, you can get the necessary shade by applying a pencil for make-up or shadow. In the second case, the color will be more natural and less flashy. But it's worth adding that these two methods require daily dyeing, since they keep to the first wash, i.e. on one output in light.