Puppies beads

Beagle is a mischievous, mobile, sociable breed of dogs. This primordially English breed, bred for hunting, retained its cheerful disposition and hunting instincts. Comfortably feeling in the apartment, this dog still requires the owner of active walks and entertaining games. But in a pack with other domestic pets beagle feels great, and it does not matter whether it's dogs or cats. With the kids bigam get on too, and willingly participate in their games.

Puppies of the beagle breed are usually of small size, with soft hanging ears and velvety short hair. The standard color of the beagle is a combination of white, red and black, but two-color variants are also allowed.

How to choose a beagle puppy?

Contact the breeders or nurseries, where you can look at the puppies and choose that only future friend. If the puppy is afraid of you, hiding, whining at a meeting, it's best to pay attention to others. Ask the breeders to show you the beagle's parents to imagine how the puppy will grow.

Most often, the beagle puppy is examined on the table in the exhibition rack. In this situation, you yourself can see the shortcomings or deviations from the standard. Pay attention also that the puppy was mobile, curious, clean, with velvety hair. This means his well-being and proper maintenance in the nursery. Eyes and ears should be clean, without discharge.

Do not forget to get acquainted with the pedigree of the puppy, ask if a puppy card is entered on him. All these documents will be useful to you if you plan to participate in exhibitions or breed breeding in the future.

Parenting the beagle puppy

Begin your pet's education from the first day in your home. Be sure to prepare everything necessary for a comfortable stay of the puppy: litter, bowl, toys.

Training puppy must be consistent and logical: it is not necessary to solve one day, and in another, to forbid him the same actions. Education should be built on encouraging the correct behavior of the beagle.

Fill your house with toys for the puppy and let's understand the difference from "non-toys". The puppy should not nibble on the sneakers or the corner of your couch. Change toys more often and make them more diverse, so that the puppy would be interested.

As for the toilet, at puppy-age it is possible to accustom the puppy to do the business on the newspaper, transplanting it there whenever he starts sniffing. Later it is necessary to accustom the dog to the toilet on the street. In every way, praise and encourage the dog with words after the deeds done on the walk, but do not distract the puppy from the process itself.

If you want to have an educated beagle in your house, then puppies should be trained with the simplest commands and take 10-15 minutes each day. This process must be permanent, logical and consistent.

Caring for a beagle puppy is a combing of wool 1-2 times a week, washing as needed, regular cleaning of the ears. Do not forget about sufficient physical exertion. The puppy loves Moving games, communication with the owner and walking on the street.

How to feed the beagle puppy?

Feeding the beagle puppy should be based on the rule: do not overfeed! Beagles are prone to overeating, and one of the main diseases in this breed is obesity. Therefore, if after feeding the beagle looks at you with hungry eyes - do not give in to provocation!

Feeding a beagle puppy can consist of beef, poultry, offals, calcined cottage cheese and cereals, or completely from dry food. The second option does not require additional vitamins and supplements.

Puppy until six months fed 6 times a day, then every month gradually reduce the number of feedings, bringing the year to 2 times.