Scalaria - maintenance and care

These fish belong to the group of Perciformes and the family of Cyclops. The body length reaches 15 cm. In height, they grow to 26 cm. The scalar has a silvery body, covered with black strips. In nature, these fish live in slow-flowing rivers with a fairly dense vegetation.

The main varieties of scalars and their features

There are various aquarium forms of these fish species: black, veil, smoky and others. There are three main varieties of scalars: Pterophyllum skalare, Pterophyllum altum, Pterophyllum dumerrilli. To date, the scalars have many forms and peculiar colors. The body of these fish is often disk-shaped. The difference between a male and a female is the strongly developed forehead of the male. Females are more complete. To build a scalar have learned very quickly and today in order to get offspring enough to plant an adult couple in an aquarium with a capacity of 80 liters, and they will spawn every ten days for three months in a row. Such a formed pair is best never to separate.

Conditions for the maintenance of the scalar in the aquarium

These fish are bred for so long in aquariums, that they became unpretentious and used to various conditions. They are able to live in water of varying rigidity. The most acceptable temperature of the content for the scalar is 24-26 ° C. They are very hardy and can tolerate both a rise in temperature to 35 ° C and a decrease in temperature to 16 ° C. But still you should not allow significant temperature fluctuations, so as not to harm the fish. Scalas grow large enough, so the house in which they will live should be large (at least 60 liters). The content of the scalar in the aquarium assumes the presence of large, dense vegetation, stones and snags. The width of the aquarium is not particularly important, since these fish species are adapted to life in narrow channels. Despite the fact that the scalar is very hardy, the maintenance and care of this fish should meet the following parameters: pH 6.5-7.3 (during spawning pH 6.5-6.8); dH - no higher than 18. You should constantly maintain the necessary water parameters and saturate it with oxygen.

Care for the scalar in the aquarium involves life in small groups. These are schooling fish that do not tolerate loneliness. In addition, they are very loyal to their partner. On the average, it is worth populating 4-6 individuals, which in the future themselves will fall into pairs. The peculiarity of this species is that they are very timid and can lose their color. To such surprises, you can include lighted light or a knock on the walls of the aquarium.

Scalarias are considered one of the most peaceful, and their content with other fish should not cause trouble and surprises. They live without problems with the same non-conflicting individuals, as neighbors are perfect: gourami, mesonauts, apistograms, swordsmen, mollies, pecilia, thornets and other species. It is not necessary to add to the scalar aggressive fish, which can bite her fins or fast fish, which will irritate her. It is also necessary to avoid small species, since they themselves can become food for the scalars. During the spawning period it is worthwhile to provide this pair of fish with rest and additional care.

Feeding will not present difficulties and special complexity. They feed mainly on live food: koretra, moth, daphnia. It is necessary to avoid feeding with a tubular, because it can become a source of fish disease . Young scalyards can eat leaves of plants and algae. Young people should be fed fry of fish and larvae of mosquitoes. Supplement to the diet can become dry granulated food.

Adhere to simple rules on the content of these fish, and they will please you for a long time.