Spitz - care, maintenance and feeding

Before you buy yourself a pet, you need to learn as much as possible about the features of its content and personal characteristics.

Spitz - Features of Care

This is a very active and energetic dog. Despite its small size, the Spitz has an excellent watchful instinct and good hearing. He is easy to learn, very friendly and kind. Fidelity and loyalty this breed shows exclusively to its owner. If you decide to buy this miniature dog with a special character, then it is worth paying attention to the features of the Spitz content. The most striking decoration of this animal is its wool. Many believe that this particular feature will become a stumbling block in the care of a dog.

The wool of these dogs is not clotted and does not require frequent washing. Combing the puppy is necessary 2-3 times a week. To accustom to this procedure the puppy follows from the very childhood. If you adhere to these simple rules, then the content of the Spitz in the apartment will not give you trouble, and you will hardly see wool in the house. This dog is very fond of walks and games. The diet of Spitz should be enriched with nutrients and minerals, as well as a complex of vitamins and a sufficient amount of water. The diet can be based on dry food, natural products or a combination of the same. It is necessary to choose one type of food, as this breed quickly gets used to the diet. The most convenient and beneficial is the use of dry food. The maximum daily dose is 80 grams for an adult Spitz. Take care of the constant availability of clean drinking water for your pet.

Spitz is not particularly capricious dog, but care, maintenance and feeding should be maintained at the proper level and then a well-groomed animal will please you and cause smiles of others.