Capricorn - stones on the sign of the zodiac

Women representatives of the zodiac sign Capricorn are stubborn. They are consistent in their actions, they know how to set goals and achieve them. Capricorns are naturally endowed with a very powerful energy, which gives them a sense of confidence and self-sufficiency. But, despite this, they need a stone, performing the role of a charm or talisman.

It is believed that the most suitable stones for Capricorns are Fire stones of dark colors. They will be able to protect the representatives of this sign from the ills, will give them the resolve that is needed to complete the initiated business.

What kind of stones are suitable for Capricorns?

Astrologers advise female Capricorns to wear ornaments from fire opal or black onyx. They are able to give their possessor sensuality and emotionality. These are the important character traits that women so lack. Opal is a stone that protects Capricorn , capable of protecting it from dangers and charging it with positive energy.

Lonely women, wishing to find personal happiness, can get a piece of jewelry made of rock crystal. It will give lightness, tenderness, teach a woman to trust a man. Rock crystal can smooth out such traits of Capricorn's character as perseverance, strength and determination - qualities that scare men away.

Another stone-talisman, suitable for Capricorn in love affairs, is a grenade. He is able to cheer up, inspire and inspire. With him, a woman can feel her true destiny in life.

Precious stones for a Capricorn woman

One of the most important and strong talismans of the goats is blue sapphire. Decoration with this stone will bring unlimited happiness, material prosperity and well-being to the representatives of this sign.

Ruby can be a good amulet , able to ward off the evil eye and strengthen the biofield of his mistress. Also astrologers advise capricorns - signs of the Earth, choose strong precious stones. These include black pearls, malachite, agate, serpentine, obsidian.

But do not forget about the stones that do not fit women, belonging to the sign of the zodiac Capricorn. This is aventurine and moonstone.