Developing games for preschool children

Engaging with a child is very important, because it depends on what knowledge he will go to first class. Now the days have already passed when it was believed that the crumb as it grows up itself will comprehend the basics of some basic knowledge. In the modern world, the requirements for graduates of preschool institutions are quite serious, because, despite their young age, the child must know the count and letters, be able to build stories about himself, etc. That is why developing games for preschool children are a fundamental element of the upbringing of future schoolchildren.

Kinds of developing games for preschoolers

To date, teachers have developed a large number of games that can develop a child's logic, thinking, attention, imagination and memory. Depending on what benefits will be used for classes with preschool children, and also what kind of fun (story-role, mobile, didactic, etc.), developing games for preschoolers can be used in lessons in Russian, mathematics and t . The main types of fun that can be recommended for classes with children are:

The use of educational games in the teaching of preschool children

It's no secret that with the help of the fun of the little girl, better and faster learn new information. In addition to this, games stimulate the desire for learning, and the process itself is easy and at ease.

  1. Developing games in the environmental education of preschool children. The fun of this category is aimed at building children's knowledge about nature, fostering love for it, and also the desire to fight for its preservation. Here, learning games are perfect for learning, which are aimed at developing the attention of preschool children and their logic. With their help it is possible to teach children "live" and "lifeless" subjects, migrating and wintering in one place to birds, houseplants and those that grow on the street, etc. To do this, ask the children to lay out the cards in two different piles, and then, in a few words, comment on their decision. In addition, with their help, you can build chains that allow children to train thinking and memory. For example, a cone is spruce, snow is winter, an apple is a tree, etc. For a variety of leisure time in the senior, the group is put on story-role plays, which have a great effect on the imagination. For example, you can cite the production of "Who, what's eating?". The children are dressed in costumes of animals, and they must find for a certain time hidden food for them: a rabbit - carrots, a cow - hay, a cat - milk, etc.
  2. Developing games in mathematics for preschoolers. The task of every kindergarten teacher is to introduce children to numbers, teach children to count to 10, talk about even and odd numbers, and also explain to them mathematical actions. For this, cubes with numbers, counting sticks, rebuses, lotto, etc., are perfect. To consolidate the account, develop thinking, logic and attention, you can play in the fun of "Who is Who?". Children are divided into teams of 2-3 people. They are dealt cards with numbers from 1 to 10 or images (for example, 2 sweets, 3 balls, etc.) and competitions begin. The winner is the team, which in a shorter period of time was able to correctly build a chain of numbers from 1 to 10.
  3. Developing games in the Russian language and reading for preschool children. Know the alphabet, understand the difference between vowels and consonants, be able to read simple words, and freely compose a story on the proposed pictures - it's not an easy task. However, with such knowledge, the child must be poisoned in school. In this he will help developing didactic games for preschool children: cards, pictures, etc., and to study the alphabet - cubes. To stimulate the development of speech skills, logic, thinking and fantasy, you can play with children in a simple, but at the same time, entertaining game "Who am I by profession?". For this, the child is offered 4-5 cards with the same theme, for example, paint - helmet - hammer - wallpaper - nails. Having carefully studied the images, the crumb should form a story about a builder who uses these objects in his work.

In conclusion, it should be noted that developing games are an integral part of the training of a modern preschooler. With their help, the process of acquiring new knowledge becomes more interesting and exciting for the child, which will serve as a good base for learning in the future.