Freesia - growing and grooming

Freesia belongs to the family of iris and is one of the most colorful and bright garden and home floral plants. Its beauty leaves few people indifferent, in addition, its flowers exude a pleasant aroma that relieves stress and relieves depression.

Varieties of freesia

  1. Freesia Armstrong has pink, red or scarlet flowers, which are sorted into bundles of 3-5 pieces. The leaves of Frederic Amstrong grow directly from the tuber. The height of the plant reaches up to 79 cm. This species blooms in May-June. The most famous subspecies of Freesia Armstrong is the Cardinal.
  2. Freesia fractured . It has a miniature size (up to 40 cm), the spreading stems of it end in fluffy inflorescences of white or orangeish-yellow color. Blossom freesia begins to bloom in April with the onset of the first gracious days. The most common subspecies such as broken freesia Alba (white inflorescence) and Odorata (bright yellow inflorescences).
  3. Hybrid freesia - it combines all the best qualities of Amstrong and broken freesia. The bush of hybrid freesia reaches a meter in height, it is abundantly covered with bouquets of flowers of various colors and shades. The most common are the following hybrid species: Red Lion, Vinita Gold and Royal Blue.

Planting and growing freesia at home

Features of growing freesia at home are the greater depth of the pots and the special composition of the soil for planting. In addition, terry freesia, like other varieties of it, before planting requires special storage and care. After the acquisition of freesia tubers, they need to be stored for a certain time in conditions of high humidity and high temperature.

To achieve these indicators, the root crops should be placed in a perforated plastic bag or in gauze and laid on a grate over a container with warm water. Evaporated water should be regularly compensated for by a new one. In this period begins the laying of the future peduncles. Before planting, the temperature of the tubers should be reduced to +12 degrees.

Tubers are planted in the soil in the autumn, with the thickness of the earth layer being at least 20 cm, i.ะต. The pot should be quite deep. Directly the depth of planting is 5-10 cm. It sits in one pot up to 5-6 pieces of root crop.

As for the composition of the soil for planting freesia - it must be calcareous or neutral with the addition of bone meal and superphosphate , there must necessarily be a drainage layer.

The planted freesia is carried to the balcony - a full 12-hour light day is needed to fully grow the plant. Otherwise, it just does not bloom. In winter, freesia should be provided with additional lighting. Take care of the support for the bush, as freesia branches are rather delicate and thin, they strongly lean and may break.

Blossoming freesia comes 5-6 months after planting, the flowering period is 20-30 days. In order to extend this period, it is necessary to leave peduncles of the second order when cutting stems.

After the end of flowering, the aerial part of the freesia gradually dies off, but the plant can be re-grown from the tubers. The tubers are excavated, the most viable, drained and stored for 3 months at high humidity and high temperature. The following year, the entire process of planting the cornucombs is repeated.

Care and cultivation of freesia

Basically, care consists in timely watering and feeding the plant. Also the buds that have blossomed must be cut in time, so that they do not spoil the overall decorative picture.

The freesia, grown at home, can bloom in the winter season. If you provide her with proper care, she will please you with her bright colors and gentle pleasant aroma.