The smartest parrot

To date, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of which parrots are the most intelligent in the world. This is due to the fact that they survive in captivity, and, accordingly, no more than one-third of all the existing species of the numerous detachment are subjected to detailed study. In addition, few scientists ask the question of studying the intelligence of parrots, and only a few cases of successful practice of developing the mental abilities of birds are known in the world.

The ability to reproduce human speech has several types of parrots. So, a cockato can remember up to two dozen words and a few sentences. Laurie is characterized by the ability to reproduce fifty words and four or five sentences. And some wavy parrots are able to repeat about 100 words, but very rarely speak with sentences. But the most intelligent and capable of learning is the breed of parrots jako.

The smartest kind of parrots

Parrots are very different not only in the ability to repeat up to 1000 human words. Still this breed can quite consciously maintain a conversation with a person. There are cases when he remembered about three hundred sentences, and quite appropriately used them in speech. In addition, these birds are very successful in imitating various sounds, including the voices of birds and animals.

The most famous and intelligent parrot in the world is a parrot zhako called Alex. In addition to it, not a single parakeet has learned how to count to eight. And Alex quite succeeded in this. But Alex's accomplishments did not end there. He quite successfully determined the colors and shapes of objects, he knew how to combine the presented figures into groups, distinguished the materials from which the objects were made. Over the years of his training, this parrot has managed to reach the level of development of a five-year-old child, which has won universal respect.