Robert Arthur Kardashian dropped 20 kilograms!

The younger brother of Kim Kardashian Robert is not very healthy. Recently, the guy was diagnosed with a disappointing diagnosis - diabetes. This explains his excessive weight and soreness, and constant depression.

Recently, a businessman and participant in reality shows rarely appeared in public and practically did not indulge his fans with news from his personal life. It is known that Rob began to meet with a stripper and hip-hop model of Black China.

It was about her house paparazzi and caught a "sweet couple."

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From their appearance in public celebrities always make an additional information occasion. As soon as the former rapper girl Taiga noticed the reporters in the ambush, she pointedly threw her leg on the hip of her lover and kissed!

Secular observers immediately noted that Mr. Kardashian had lost weight. It turns out that it's all about his new passion. She makes sure that the guy does not eat red meat and, together with him, visits the gym 5 times a week.