Inflammation of the kidneys - causes, symptoms and treatment of all types of nephritis

Kidneys are an important organ, as they take part in many processes: purification of the body, blood formation, metabolism, normalization of blood pressure and water-salt balance, and so on. Inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis) is a serious disease that requires compulsory treatment. It is important to diagnose the problem at an early stage.

Inflammation of the kidneys - causes

According to statistics, nephritis is more often diagnosed in the fair sex. Causative microbes are the causative agents of the disease. Kidney nephritis often occurs as a result of the following causes:

  1. Weakened immunity, frequent and prolonged supercooling of the body or changes in ambient temperature.
  2. Irregular and unbalanced nutrition, consumption of a large number of spices and salt.
  3. Stagnation of blood and improper intake of medications.
  4. Frequent use of alcoholic beverages and smoking.
  5. Containment of urge to urinate, which leads to the burden of the bladder.

Types of kidney nephritis

Depending on the provoking factors, there are four main forms of the disease:

In addition, inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis) can be a shunt, in which there is a combination of antibodies near the glomeruli of the kidneys in rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune diseases. A rare phenomenon is hereditary nephritis, which develops due to congenital kidney pathologies.

Interstitial nephritis

In this type of disease, interstitial tissue and renal tubules are damaged. In most cases, interstitial (tubulointerstitial) nephritis occurs with the use of certain medications, for example, analgesics, diuretics, antibiotics, immunosuppressants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The development of the disease is directly related to the individual characteristics of the organism. Another type of inflammation of the kidneys can be triggered by a virus or an attack of one's own immunity.

Glamorous kidney nephritis

In this type of disease, the inflammatory process affects the glomeruli and partially the renal tubules. While doctors can reliably determine the cause of this type of jade was not possible, but it was noted that it provokes its autoimmune pathologies. Cases of development of glazed nephritis in people with cancer, abscesses and malfunctions in the work of the immune system have been documented. The disease can occur in acute or recurrent form. Chronic glomerulonephritis can lead to kidney failure.

Pyelonephritis of the kidneys

This species is the most diagnosed kidney disease, in which inflammation spreads to the parenchyma, calyx and renal pelvis. Has pyelonephritis species, differing in location, so, single-sided and bilateral type are distinguished. If you focus on the nature of the course of the disease, then there may be an acute and chronic form. The problem develops because of an infection that penetrates the kidneys through the urinary tract or blood vessels, if inflammation is in other organs.

Beam Nephrite

This kind of disease concerns only people who have suffered radiation therapy, that is, they had a malignant neoplasm. The renal tubules are the most affected by the renal tubules, which in most cases are atrophied, so surgical intervention is carried out to remove them. Kidney disease nephritis in the form of radiation can be obtained and when located in a territory with strong radiation.

Inflammation of the kidneys - symptoms

The signs by which nephritis can be determined are similar in both women and men, but the first symptomatology is more pronounced. This is explained by the fact that the urinary system in women is a "weak link". If kidney nephritis develops, the symptoms can be:

  1. Increased sweating and chills. The temperature rises and can rise to 40 °.
  2. Pain in the lumbar region, and more often it has a sharp shape. Discomfort can be felt in the abdomen.
  3. Signs of inflammation of the kidneys are manifested in the intoxication of the body. In addition, there may be a headache and dizziness.
  4. With the aggravation of the situation, the patient suffers from frequent urination and pain during this process.

If the inflammation of the kidneys is chronic, then:

Inflammation of the kidneys - diagnosis

In order to correctly diagnose, identify the cause and think about the correct treatment, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations:

  1. The physician will check, by means of palpation, whether the muscles of the abdominal wall are strained, and if there is pain in the lower back.
  2. There is kidney disease nephritis or not, helps determine urine analysis, which gives the most information in case of inflammation. It shows if there are bacteria in the urine. Still experts carry out the PTSR-analysis on an infection.
  3. In acute form, the blood test reveals an elevated level of ESR, and the indices can reach 40-50 mm / h. With the help of a review and excretory urography, it is possible to determine the functionality of the kidneys.
  4. As for instrumental techniques, ultrasound, x-rays and computed tomography are used to diagnose inflammation of the kidneys. It is worth to clarify that the radiography is informative when the disease passes into a purulent form.

Inflammation of the kidney - treatment

When the disease is in an acute stage, the patient goes to the hospital, where doctors watch him. For a patient, bed rest is important, a limited diet and the use of selected medications. Finding out how to treat kidney inflammation, it is worth noting that as an auxiliary technique and with the permission of a specialist, you can use traditional medicine. In the future, the patient is recommended recovery in the profile sanatorium.

Medications for kidney inflammation

After conducting the diagnosis, the doctor will select the appropriate medications. Such pills are prescribed for kidney inflammation:

  1. Spasmolytic drugs. They are divided into two groups: neurotropic and myotropic. The former are used to reduce pain in the event of a failure in the transmission of nerve impulses to smooth muscles. More often appoint platifillin. Myotropic antispasmodics are used to relax muscle fibers. The most popular drug is drotaverine.
  2. Anesthetics. Tablets of this group contribute to the relief of the pain syndrome, so, prescribe diclofenac or baralgin.
  3. Antibiotics. In most cases, doctors prescribe the penicillin series, for example, ampicillin. Antibiotics of the cephalosporin group are prescribed for kidney inflammation, for example, cephalexin. These drugs are effective in pyelonephritis. When the disease is aggravated, the doctor prescribes the antibiotics of the fluoroquinolones, for example, ciprofloxacin.
  4. Dissolving concrements preparations. To promote the dissolution of kidney stones and reduce the risk of their formation, prescribe allopurinol, urodan and other means.
  5. Diuretic preparations. In pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide and others are prescribed.
  6. Plant uroantiseptics. Preparations of this group fight with bacteria, reduce inflammation and have a mild diuretic effect. They include kanefron and urolesan.

Inflammation of the kidneys - treatment with folk remedies

There are many folk recipes that effectively combat unpleasant symptoms and speed up the healing process. Treatment of kidney nephritis can be carried out by such means:

  1. Healing collection. Mix such herbs with inflammation of the kidneys: tansy flowers, licorice root, celandine and bearberry leaves. Take each ingredient for 50 g. Fill the collection with boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. After this, strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
  2. The horsetail. This plant has a diuretic effect. Mix a couple of large spoons of herbs and pour 2 tbsp. boiling water. You need to drink 100 grams throughout the day at regular intervals.
  3. Spores. The plant has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. The proportions are the same as in the previous recipe, but still need to put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and insist an hour. With inflammation of the kidney, take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
  4. Dill seeds. To clean the body of toxic substances, mix 2 tbsp. seeds of dill and chopped valerian root. Add a liter of boiling water and a couple more large spoons of honey. Duration of infusion - 1 day. Take infusion of 1 tbsp. spoon in 20 minutes. before meals. It is important to use this folk remedy if the pressure is normal.
  5. Rosehips. To maintain immunity, it is recommended to prepare an infusion, for which purpose, soak 50 g of berries in a thermos in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist the night, and drink throughout the day. Every evening, prepare a new portion.

Diet in kidney nephritis

An obligatory part of therapy in the presence of inflammation of the kidneys is proper nutrition. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the load on the organ and remove toxins from the body. If a person has nephritis, treatment implies a decrease in the consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates to a physiological norm. It is important to stop using salt or minimize the amount to 5 grams per day. Doctors recommend eating warm food in a puree state. Products are allowed to bake, cook and steam. If inflammation of the kidneys is detected, the following products can be included in the menu:

  1. Bread and flour products without the addition of salt.
  2. Dietary meats, for example, rabbit, poultry, veal and beef tongue. A day is allowed not more than 180 g. When eating eggs, the amount of meat should be reduced.
  3. Cereals except peas and dairy products.
  4. It is recommended to include a large number of fruits and vegetables in the menu.
  5. As for sweets, you can lean ice cream, honey, jelly and sweets, but without chocolate.

Jade - consequences

If you do not carry out treatment, then complications may develop and the most frequent consequences include:

In addition, stagnant phenomena in the lungs and bronchi are formed. If you do not comply with the rules of nutrition and bed rest, there is a risk of seizures. At the beginning of the development of the disease, there may be problems in the functioning of the heart. Chronic interstitial nephritis and other types of inflammation can cause kidney failure .