Verbainik ordinary - application in folk medicine and cosmetology

Many plants perform not only a decorative function, but also have many useful properties. These include the commonwealth verbaine, which is used in recipes of traditional medicine and cosmetic purposes. In order to benefit, it is important to consider existing contraindications.

What is a verbi?

It is a herbaceous perennial with a high erect stalk. Bisexual flowers collected in inflorescences-panicles, appear in the period from June to July. The fruit of this plant is a box. Verbainik is a medicinal herb that is used in traditional medicine recipes to get rid of many problems. The plant lives on wet edges, in thickets of a bush, near coast of the rivers and streams.

Verbainik ordinary - chemical composition

As a result of the research, the rich chemical composition of this medicinal plant was determined. There are silicon, phenolcarbonic and ascorbic acid in it . Grass verbainnik boasts the presence of resinous substances and bitterness, and yet there are saponins and tannins in it. Numerous useful properties cause constituent flavonoids and rutin.

Verbainik ordinary - medicinal properties

Due to a number of studies it was possible to establish a list of important useful properties:

  1. Infusion is taken orally when treating gastritis and diarrhea, but also for general strengthening of the body.
  2. Outwardly in the form of compresses, medicinal medicinal are used for injuries to wounds and arthritis.
  3. The plant copes well with bacteria and inflammatory processes. It has an astringent and analgesic effect.
  4. The flower of a vertebra stops blood and has an anticonvulsant effect.

Verbeynik - application in folk medicine

There are many different recipes that people have been using for decades, so among the most effective one can distinguish such:

  1. With eye disease, take two small spoons of fresh grass juice and dilute them with the same amount of boiled water. The received means spend instillations two times a day before convalescence.
  2. Effective herb grass for the liver, so it is necessary to prepare tincture on vodka. In a glass of vodka, soak two large spoons of the plant and insist for several days. Take three times a day before meals, 20 drops each, dissolving them in a glass of water.
  3. To cope with diseases of the stomach, constipation, anemia and arthritis, recommended infusion. To make a small spoon of herbs, pour 250 ml and insist for an hour. Take infusion should be 50 ml per day.
  4. Tea with a pomel is effective for colds and colds, as it facilitates the general condition. Still they can gargle to deal with pain in angina, influenza and so on. To prepare 60 g of dry plant, pour a liter of boiling water and insist for a while.

Verbaine in cosmetology

Useful properties of the plant can be used for cosmetic procedures. Verbainik, whose useful properties are proved by scientists, is used to prepare a decoction that helps to cope with various problems, so it removes inflammation, improves skin color, cures dryness and moisturizes the dermis. It can also be used for hair care, so, the broth gives the curls freshness and shine, eliminates the loss and accelerates growth.

  1. Prepare an infusion, for which the commonweal is taken in the amount of 2 parts of spoons and filled with 200 ml of water. Insist before cooling and strain. The broth can be used as a tonic, rubbing the skin, or freeze it in ice cubes and also wipe it.
  2. The above decoction can be used as a conditioner after washing hair with shampoo.