Britney Spears has lost weight in 2015

At the very beginning of her popularity, Britney Spears appeared before the fans with a slim, thin girl. Her flat tummy, graceful waist and taut skin have become the object of envy and the goal of reaching for many. Nevertheless, during the vocal career, Britney Spears has repeatedly changed her figure settings. And not surprisingly. After all, the singer had to endure so much, especially in the period from 2006 to 2009.

According to the star herself, she remembers these three years as in a fog. Complicated personal life, parting with her husband, loss of custody of children, a crisis in her career - all this inseparably influenced the way of life of Britney. Endless drinking, drug addiction and harmful food could not but affect the figure of Spears. Although, it should be noted that after the first birth, Britney began gaining kilograms.

However, to everyone's surprise in 2015, Britney Spears appeared in a new unexpected role, having lost more than 13 kilograms of weight and showing a slim, slender figure.

Britney Spears figure parameters 2015

Growth and weight of Britney Spears in 2015 reached almost the same marks that she kept at the beginning of her popularity. Of course, traces of bad habits could not not be reflected on the face of the singer. However, unexpected changes in the parameters plunged everyone into shock. According to Britney Spears, its weight in May 2015 reached 54 kilograms. With growth of 163 centimeters such proportions form an elegant figure.

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The decision to lose weight and pay attention to his body for Britney Spears was an invitation to shoot a women's magazine "Women's Health", for which the singer had to fulfill a number of conditions. And the loss of excess weight was the first on the list. In addition to zealous training and dancing, Spears also went on a diet . She switched to fresh fruits and vegetables, sushi and nuts. But, according to Spears, before the only weakness she can not resist - a cold chocolate frappe is present in the daily diet of the star.