Room flowers on feng shui

It is difficult to imagine a cozy apartment without a couple of home plants. They not only give aesthetic pleasure and cheer up, but fill the room with positive energy. This is highly appreciated in the Taoist practice of feng shui, aimed at the correct development of space. According to the theory of Feng Shui, indoor flowers represent a life cycle in miniature and make a person think about the time and meaning of life. What other secrets are hidden in the plants? About this below.

Home flowers by Feng Shui

Experts argue that plants have a special power, bringing the house peace and tranquility. However, there are some features that make the plant stronger in the energy sense:

According to Feng Shui, all flowers have female (Yin) or male (Yang) energy. "Male" flowers have sharp leaves and grow up. They accelerate the movement of energy flows and accumulate the power of plants growing nearby. These include: sanseviera, dracaena, asparagus, lemon and other citrus fruits. "Female" flowers have regular rounded leaves and a branching trunk. They share with the household the best female qualities - intuition, diligence, kindness. These include: Begonia, Violet, Cyclamen, Tolstyanka.

Feng Shui popular indoor flowers

Each plant has a unique energy that can be used for the benefit of the apartment. Let's analyze the qualities of the most popular indoor flowers:

  1. Geranium . During flowering, it is fueled by negative energy, protecting the whole family. After sitting for a few minutes near the geranium , one can feel rested and vigorous, however, with prolonged contact, its smell causes a headache.
  2. Myrtle tree . Brings together all family members, brings prosperity and love to the home. Blossoming myrtle helps to save the marriage and overcome small household quarrels.
  3. Money flowers on feng shui . This includes a fat woman, personifying prosperity and wealth. However, putting a coin into the pot with the ground can be made "monetary" almost any flower.
  4. Bamboo . Excellent absorbs negative energy. Keep it in a thick vase in the corner of the room.