Myrtle tree - how to care?

Myrtle tree is known for its beauty and benefits from ancient times. His homeland is the Mediterranean. And the main advantage is phytoncide, medicinal properties. Let's consider the basic principles of breeding a myrtle tree.

How to care for a myrtle tree?

The key moments in caring for a myrtle tree are high humidity and soft water. Myrtle tree at home loves regular spraying, and for its watering it is necessary to keep water at least for a day at room temperature in order to settle the salts contained in tap water.

Different care for myrtle tree in the warm and cold season. So, from spring to autumn, organize a moderate temperature regime with frequent, but not abundant watering. You can take the plant to the open air, while it is important to provide shading from bright sunlight. In winter, there is a period of rest. Watering is reduced, the plant is rearranged to a cool well-lit place.

Earth for myrtle wood

For myrrh tree is suitable land with good drainage. At the bottom of the pot, pour a small amount of expanded clay or rubble, broken brick or charcoal, moss. This will avoid decaying the roots when the flower is overflowed, since the drainage will absorb all the excess liquid. Directly the soil can be purchased in a flower shop or it can be made according to the following recipe: mix one part of turf, leaf land, humus, peat and sand.

How to multiply a myrtle tree?

Myrtle tree reproduces in two ways: cuttings and seeds. Using cuttings for reproduction, you can achieve faster flowering (in the third year) and better survival. Reproduction is carried out at the end of winter or in the middle of summer. The first period is preferable, since the rooting of the cuttings requires a temperature of not more than +20 degrees and a dark place. For reproduction, take strong cuttings from the lower part of the crown of a plant eight centimeters long. The stalk is placed in a mixture of sand and moss, either sand or sheet earth, poured into a wide container (for example, a bowl). The dishes are covered with a cap (can be a plastic film). It is sometimes necessary to ventilate the container to avoid rotting. A month later the rooted stalk is transplanted into a pot.

How to transplant myrtle tree?

Plant transplantation is carried out in the spring no more often than once in two years, young trees can be transplanted annually. When transplanting, make sure that the base of the trunk remains on the surface of the earthen coma. Large pots are not suitable for this plant, for an adult three-year-old myrtle tree is suitable pot with a diameter of not more than 12 cm. The technology of transplantation is similar to the transplantation of other indoor plants.

How to form a myrtle tree?

The shoots of the young plant are shortened to 1-5 pairs of leaves, when they reach a length of 10 cm. The purpose of forming a myrtle tree is to thicken the shoots and to give the composition of the form (most often they choose a spherical shape). The adult plant is cut at a shoot length of 5 cm.

What if the myrtle tree withered?

In the cold period, the leaves often fall on the plant. The main reason why a myrtle tree dries is a sharp reduction in the light day, in which the leaves, consuming the entire supply of nutrients, fall off. If the myrtle tree withered, it is urgent to somehow resuscitate it. For this, the plant is transferred to a cool, lighted place with an air temperature of 10 degrees. At this temperature, growth slows down, which allows you to preserve the remains of nutrients in the leaves. If the leaves of myrtle wood dry, then daily sprinkles with warm water or a weekly warm shower will help. The drying of the soil also leads to the drying of the leaves. Remember that you should not allow excessive watering, in which water stagnates in the pot and the plant rot.

Myrtle tree diseases

Among the common diseases of myrtle tree are pests such as thrips, whitefly, mealy moth , scab, spider mite . An effective method of combating these pests is spraying or washing the leaves with tobacco infusions with soap or purchased insecticides.

Let the "tree of family happiness" become an indispensable attribute of your home, grows and turns green for joy to you!