Sacrum aching before menstruation

The onset of critical days in almost every girl is accompanied by a different kind of painful sensations, which differ in their intensity, duration and localization. So, often in women, just before the most menstrual pains in the sacrum. Let's consider this phenomenon in more detail and tell you what causes the development of such symptoms.

Why do women have sores before menstruation?

According to the peculiarities of the physiology of the female reproductive system, shortly before the appearance of menstrual flow, the uterine myometrium undertakes efforts to separate the epithelial layer from the uterine cavity. In this case, mostly sedentary muscles located in the cavity of the small pelvis are involved. During their reduction, tension is transmitted not only to nearby organs, but also to the sacrum. That's why before the monthly and pain in the sacrum is noted.

Also, painful sensations in the lumbar region and sacrum, shortly before the appearance of monthly discharge, may be due to the atypical location of the uterus itself in the cavity of the small pelvis. In such cases, her body is slightly deflected back. As a result of the fact that before the menses, there is a small increase in the uterus itself in volume, it squeezes the nerve endings with which the sacrum is densely sowed. In addition, in such situations, pain can be given to the lower abdomen and lower back.

Also, painful sensations on the eve of menstrual flow can also be caused by a phenomenon such as a change in the hormonal background, which is observed with every monthly. Thus, the body is preparing for the onset of pregnancy. In this case, the production of a hormone, like estrogen, occurs in a smaller volume than usual. If conception does not come, the hormonal background returns to its former state, and it is at this time that the appearance of painful sensations in girls.

It is worth noting that the pain can only be a consequence of the increased sensitivity of the body to individual women.

In what cases of pain in the sacrum during menstruation - a cause for concern?

As a rule, as a result of changes in the hormonal background, which is observed with each menstruation, activation of the already existing girl in the body of a chronic, inflammatory process in the reproductive system may occur. It is such a violation that can partly be an obstacle to the normal separation of menstrual blood, which in turn can lead to soreness in the sacrum. This can be observed with the following violations:

  1. Inflammatory and infectious processes in the genitourinary system, accompanied by the formation of adhesions.
  2. Tumors and tumors, such as cysts, myomas, can also disrupt the outflow of menstrual blood and lead to pain in the sacrum, both before and after menstruation.
  3. Disorders in the work of the endocrine system can also lead to sudden pain during menstrual discharge in women of reproductive age. Additional symptoms that indicate that the cause lies directly in the failure of the thyroid gland are weight loss, the appearance of irritability, sleep disturbance.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, there are many reasons for the development of pain in the lumbar and sacral region. That's why, if a woman pulls a sacrum three days earlier than the menstrual period, or if there are pains in the sacrum, it is necessary to contact the gynecologist about this. Only after a comprehensive examination it will be possible to draw any conclusions, and if necessary, prescribe a treatment.