Monastic Slimming Tea

The use of phyto-tea for weight loss is known for a long time. But it is not without reason that it is said that one thing is different, and this means for losing weight too. Some fat burning fees are more effective, some less, and there are those that are just a placebo. Probably, therefore, some are wary of such drugs, and this is correct. But monastic tea for weight loss - it's quite another matter. Its useful properties and effectiveness are proved by physicians and are repeatedly tested in practice by the consumers themselves. The use of monastic tea does not require special instructions, it is quite possible to replace the usual hot drink daily.

Composition and properties of monastic tea

The name of the drink is related to the place of its creation, because originally such phytosamples were used by monks to treat the sick parishioners who addressed them. The actual age of the recipe for monastic tea totals several centuries, although its original composition is somewhat different from the modern one. After all, during the religious persecutions in the Soviet times, much of the scholarly heritage of the monasteries was lost, and it had to be rebuilt by bit. Nevertheless, the properties of the present drink are very close to those of its ancient counterpart. And this is the merit, above all, of its constituent components. Monastic tea for weight loss is carefully selected herbs: elecampane, oregano, St. John's wort, mint, dandelion, hay, fennel , as well as linden flowers, dogrose and elderberry berries, and a small amount of black leaf tea. Thanks to this composition, tea not only struggles with excess kilograms, but also gives strength, increases immunity and replenishes the stores of vitamin C.

Benefit and harm of monastic tea

This drink can be used not only to burn fat. The benefits of monastic tea can be much greater. For example, it can be used to get rid of fatigue, irritability, bad mood, nervousness, fast fatigue and insomnia. He charges with energy, self-confidence, optimism, good emotions and cheerfulness. It is also a good preventative against colds, inflammatory processes of the respiratory system, influenza, etc. Monastic collection is recommended to use to reduce appetite and better absorption of nutrients from food. It helps to clear cells of toxic substances and slags, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, optimizes the work of the stomach and intestines.

The monastic tea can not inflict harm to the body. This natural natural remedy, so it is absolutely safe for humans. Contraindications may be only allergies to certain components and serious diseases of the urinary system.

How correctly to make a monastic tea?

The effectiveness of this drink directly depends on how well it is cooked. Brew it like a simple tea, a bay of boiling water, not enough. First, it is necessary to prepare monastic tea daily, so that the drink is fresh. Secondly, it is rather "brewed" than "brewed". The difference in cooking time. The monastic collection takes a little longer to process. For one liter of water, you need to take two tablespoons of all the herbs included in the collection. Separately, in boiling water, insist the roots of elecampane and hips, about 20 minutes. Then add the remaining herbs to the broth and another hour to simmer on a very small fire. After that, the drink is filtered and, like ordinary tea brew, diluted with boiling water and drunk. For taste in it you can add honey and lemon.