Felt cherry blooms, but does not bear fruit

Felted cherry is popular for its compact size, decorative during flowering and abundant fruiting. But not always it grows without problems. Gardeners often face the problem that the felt cherry blossoms abundantly, but does not bear fruit, and then you should know why this is happening and what you should do.

The main causes of poor fruiting cherry cherry

The reasons for poor fruit bearing include:

  1. Single landing. This is due to the fact that this plant is self-fertile, that is, for the formation of berries it needs cross-pollination.
  2. Incorrectly chosen seat for planting.
  3. Early age. Cherry, planted with a seedling, starts to bear fruit well only for 2-3 years after planting, and a bone - for 4-5 years. Before this tree only blooms abundantly and can give several solitary berries.
  4. Excessive pruning. Since not all the branches bear fruit on the tree, you should know which ones can be cut and which can not be cut.

What if the cherry does not bear fruit?

It is obligatory to plant several (not less than 3) cherries within one garden. It can be seedlings of one variety or several.

Felt cherry poorly fructifies in poor lighting and when water stagnates in the soil around it. Already adopted plant is not recommended to be transplanted, therefore it is necessary to solve these problems by other methods: pruning of neighboring plants or arrangement of outflow of water.

Pruning a felt cherry should be done annually. Cut this while you need only the branches that have been fruitful for 5 years. You can not touch the young shoots and bouquet twigs, which in 2 years and will grow berries.

If you adhere to the data in the article recommendations, you can annually collect tasty sweet and sour berries in large quantities for 15 years.