Cervical coagulation

Erosion of the cervix is the most frequent diagnosis that is heard in the offices of gynecology. And it's good if a woman consciously treats this problem, and does not engage in self-medication. The latter tactic is not acceptable in our time, when there are many ways to get rid of such a disease once and for all life. The goal of any of them is the complete removal of abnormal tissues, in order to prevent the danger of turning sick cells into cancerous formations.

Chemical coagulation of the cervix

This method is recognized as one of the most accessible, based on financial considerations, but also the most ineffective. It is based on the application of Solkovagin solution to the center of erosion, which provokes coagulation of damaged tissues. That the medicine was applied more precisely, the whole procedure is performed with the help of colposcopy , and, more simply, of magnifying glasses. A few days after the mixture was applied, erosion-stricken tissues begin to tear off dead cells, under which a new epithelial layer is formed. This procedure does not bring pain, and there are no negative effects of coagulation of the cervix with the use of a chemical. Although it is possible that the procedure will need to be repeated several times.

Cryo-coagulation of the cervix

A very effective method based on the use of liquid nitrogen, which quickly freezes diseased tissues. But there is always a risk of very deep penetration of the cold, as a result of the scar appear on the uterine neck or uterus. The latter may well become an obstacle to childbirth and pregnancy.

Diathermoelectrocoagulation of the cervix

The method is based on the effect on the infected tissues of electrodes heated by electric current. The principle of this cervical coagulation is based on a burn that literally burns out erosion, but can be quite painful and requires the use of anesthetics or local anesthesia. Also, such a method can lead to a relapse of the disease, since under rapidly scabbed tissues it is not clear whether all the erosive foci were treated with electrodes.

Radio wave and laser coagulation of the cervix

The first method is based on the energy of radio waves having a high frequency. They have a great depth of penetration, and provoke immediate dying of the affected tissues. The laser method is effective and safe only when a qualified doctor does it, because the slightest negligence can lead to burns and scars.

Argon-plasma coagulation of the cervix

This tactic is a completely new way to treat erosion of the uterine neck. The principle of its operation is based on the fact that affected tissues are affected by plasma, which is produced by ionized argon. Such a procedure does not need any touches or tools at all, there is no smoking, or charring of burnt tissues, it is possible to keep the depth of the treated layers of the epithelium under control. Argonoplasmic coagulation of cervical erosion is an almost painless technique, after which the wound completely heals in a couple of months. During the first time you need to give up sexual intercourse, and there may be copious discharge. You can plan your conception in six months after the procedure.

Syndrome of the coagulated cervix of the uterus

With this concept, a woman who has suffered one of the ways to eliminate erosion of the uterine neck collides. It means that a scar appeared on the site of the healing erosion, but not a new focus of the disease. But if the coagulated cervix was not spared from a disease-provoking factor, such as a virus, a bacterium or an infection, it is quite possible that it was again "put into operation".