Mastopathy - signs

As is known, mastopathy is a benign neoplasm that affects the mammary glands and is characterized by a dyshormonal process of a pathological nature. According to statistical data, this disease is diagnosed in 30-60% of women who are in reproductive age. At the same time, a regularity is established: the probability of disease with this pathology increases with age. So after 40, every second woman is exposed to the disease. In addition, mastopathy can provoke breast cancer.

How is the development of mastopathy?

In order to determine the signs of mastopathy, you must first deal with the mechanism of pathology. The trigger for the development of the disease is the hormonal imbalance of the female body, which in turn is a consequence of ineffective nutrition, smoking, excess weight, prolonged intake of hormonal drugs and contraceptives, etc. So, as a result of the influence of metabolic products on the process of tissue formation, in the mammary gland the relationship between connective and epithelial tissue is broken, resulting in hyperplastic processes.

As a result, there are the first signs of mastopathy, to which a woman can not help but pay attention. Begin to appear painful sensations in the chest, which at first she associates with the fast monthly. The breast becomes swollen, and the underwear is uncomfortable and tight. Such a state of tension in the mammary glands in medicine was called mastodynia.

How to determine the presence of the disease on your own?

Every woman needs to know the main signs (symptoms) of mastopathy for timely treatment to a doctor and for an early appointment of treatment. The main of them are:

Similar signs of mastopathy are quite difficult to identify with breastfeeding, because The breast is almost always increased because of the rush of milk. The main sign of the pathology in this case is the appearance of nodular formations in the chest, an increase in temperature (with infection), an increase in lymph nodes.

How else can you determine mastopathy?

So, the main signs, of all the above listed, allowing to establish the development of mastopathy, are pain, breast enlargement in volume and the appearance of discharge from the nipples.

The pain that appears in the chest area should be sure to alert the woman, even if she appears only once. As a rule, with mastopathy during the menopause, it is the pain sensations that are the main signs of pathology. In this case, the pain itself is aching, dull, which is also accompanied by a feeling of heaviness.

When carrying out ultrasound of the mammary glands, the following signs are observed, which speak of mastopathy: the presence of nodular formations, which, because of their small size, may not be probed.

In the childbearing age, the pain intensifies and immediately before menstruation. This is explained by an increase in the production of estrogens, which ultimately leads to an imbalance.

The increase in the mammary gland in the volume also makes it possible to establish the presence of pathology in the body. This fact is explained by the fact that venous congestion occurs, which in turn leads to edema of connective tissue. The breast itself can be increased to 15% in volume. The sensitivity of the glands rises, and they become painful to the touch.

Thus, knowing what signs say about mastopathy, a woman will be able to determine the disease on her own and turn to the doctor on time.