Signs and beliefs at Easter

Our ancestors revered this day and believed that it was at this time that you can get hints from the higher forces about what awaits in the future. There are many signs and beliefs for Easter and now we will talk about the most unusual of them.

Signs associated with Easter

On this day, it was customary to put a jug of honey next to the icon, it was believed that this would bring peace and prosperity to the house, for the next day these containers were taken to the cemetery with honey and left on their graves with three colored eggs.

It was considered a good sign to ring the bells for Easter , our ancestors believed that it was possible to gain health for the whole next year, to protect themselves from evil forces and even attract luck and wealth. It was enough to make just one blow to the bell, so that the harvest this year was rich, and the beast was not sick. If you could not call the bell yourself, you could just say, when you heard the chime "Christ is risen, my world is in peace and prosperity, the crop is well ripened in the field, the trouble bypasses me. Amen . "

There was also such an interesting ritual, which was called ovovanie. The essence of it is that a person had to swing for 5 minutes on an ordinary swing, it was believed that this way you can get rid of your sins, cleanse yourself of bad thoughts, envy and resentment.

Of course, people who were born or died on this day were considered special. The first were supposed to become great according to the belief, and the second ones immediately fell into paradise, by the way, they always buried them with a red Easter egg in their hand.

It was considered a bad sign if the Easter cracked, two cracks promised separation from a close person, and three did say that someone would die in the house soon. Also a harbinger of unhappiness was an extinct candle before the end of the church service, according to legend it was a sign that soon a person would fall ill or lose someone from people close to him.

There are signs for Easter for unmarried girls who want to create their own family. If a woman does not have a romantic relationship, she should have said during the Easter service: "Easter has come, she brought the groom . " Well, if the groom had a girl, then in no case it was impossible to kiss him on the doorstep, it was believed that after this the couple will cease to meet.

What should I do for Easter according to the signs?

If there is an opportunity, dial in the Easter night in a spring of pure water, it will be healing, in any case, that's what our grandparents claimed. A whole year after the holiday, the water collected was washed or sprinkled sick people, so that they quickly recovered, they gave it to children to drink, so that they grow faster and gain strength.

Those people who wanted to harvest a rich harvest this year had to bury the shell from the colored eggs on the field. So attracted luck and protected landings from evil forces, bad weather and even insects and rodents.

To ensure that the house was well-to-do, no one was sick or quarreled, it was necessary to go to the morning church service, completely defend it with a lighted candle in your hand, then keep the candle stove, hiding it in your own home away from the people's eyes. Before the next Easter, this stump was taken, put at home in front of the icon and lit, the candle had to burn to the end.

An interesting ritual can be spent by a woman who can not become pregnant. She should at the very beginning of the Easter dinner cut a piece of cake, put it on a separate plate and say "Kulich cut off the kiddies" . When the meal is finished, this piece of baking had to be taken out to the street and fed to the birds, it was believed that in the same year the woman would become a mother.