Why dream of kissing a man?

Unambiguous interpretation of dreams, which had to kiss with a man, no. That is why to get more accurate and expanded information, you need to take into account, as much as possible other details of the plot seen.

Why dream of kissing a man?

If you had to kiss an already lifeless person in a dream, then soon you should expect a disappointing disappointment in your personal life. Even such a night vision can be a harbinger of the disease. Watching from the side for a kiss is a warning that someone can pull into a dangerous situation.

Why dream of kissing a strange man?

Such a dream can mean acquaintance with people who can spoil the reputation and life in general. Another such plot means meeting with an interesting representative of the opposite sex, who will be an Alphonse.

Why dream of kissing with a beloved man?

Such a night vision can be a harbinger of separation , and the reason, most likely, will be the partner's infidelity. A kiss with her husband in a dream promises a long and happy family life.

Why dream of kissing a stranger?

Kissing with a stranger means that soon there will be a passionate love affair that will not last very long. For a married lady, such a dream serves as a warning that a passing fad can destroy relationships.

Why dream of kissing a married man?

Such a dream warns that a dreamer can be in an unpleasant situation, which will negatively affect the reputation. Another kiss with a married man means that the dreamer is able to commit any immoral acts.

Why dream of kissing an ex-man?

If a kiss with a former lover provoked confusion is a sign that the dreamer is not ready to let go of past relationships and wants to restore the union. When a dream causes a good mood , then the heart is open to new love.