How to drink water correctly?

It would seem that such a strange question - how to drink water correctly, but on closer examination it turns out that there are no strangeness in it. For example, you know how much water you need to drink per day, how to drink it, how to lose weight, and what kind of water you should drink at all? If not, our information will be very interesting to you.

How much water should I drink?

Have you ever wondered how much water you should drink per day? No, of course, the recommended norm is 2.2 liters per day for women and 3 liters for men. But, depending on the lifestyle, this rate may decrease or increase. If you are actively involved in sports, then your daily intake rate should increase. At 400-600 ml per day, if the exercises you do are relatively light and more than 600 ml, if you are engaged for a long time (more than 1 hour without breaks). And it is better to fill the lack of liquid with special drinks, and not just water, because with then we lose both water and minerals necessary for the body.

Also, water consumption should increase in hot weather. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should closely monitor the amount of fluid consumed. So, 2.3 liters of water per day are enough for pregnant women, and for nursing - 3.1 liters.

Is it possible to drink water at night or even at night? There is no definite answer to this question. If there are problems with the kidneys, then it is better to refuse from the night reception of water, if there are no such problems, then you need to drink water whenever the body requires, regardless of the time of the day.

How should you drink water to lose weight?

There is an opinion that just having learned to drink water correctly, you can get rid of excess weight. Are you surprised? Meanwhile, the American scientist even developed a special system for taking water, which makes it possible to lose weight. The meaning of this system is that often we incorrectly decipher the signals of the body - he wants to drink, and we grab for food. To cope with this problem, it is suggested to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, and drink it at 2.5 hours after meals and half an hour before it. This will help the body to properly perform the process of digestion and will allow you to lose 3-6 kg in 3 weeks.

Is it useful to drink thawed water?

Do you doubt whether it is useful to drink thawed water? Many will tell you in one voice that it is this water that should be drunk, it is said that the organism is easier to digest, and energy and information is cleaner than the one that flows from the tap. As for information purity, it is difficult to say, for it can not be checked, but the fact that there are fewer nitrates and other harmful impurities in such water is a scientifically proven fact. So, melt water will be useful for the body. Naturally, when we talk about thawed water, we do not mean water obtained from the melting of snow collected from the threshold of the house. Unfortunately, the current level of ecology makes it dangerous not only to drink such water, but also to walk in the rain.

So how correctly to make and drink thawed water? Freeze the water in an ordinary plastic container with a lid. Use for freezing you need water without bleach, and therefore pouring water into the container from the tap, let it stand a little, and ideally the water should be passed through the filter. We put the container with water in the freezer. After 1-2 hours, a crust of ice is formed on top, which must be removed - all the harmful substances have accumulated there. It is necessary to remove water from the freezer, when in the center it remains a bit unfrozen. This water also needs to be drained, it is not useful, and the ice thaw. Drink melt water better in small portions, without waiting until the whole volume is rolled back. You can not accelerate thawing by heating the ice, by doing this you "kill" all the useful qualities of water that it acquired during freezing.

How much can you drink mineral water?

Recall that the mineral water is divided into medical, dining and medical-canteen. How much you need to drink medicinal mineral water and when you need to do this can only tell the doctor, self-activity yourself can seriously harm. Table mineral water can be drunk when and how much you like, there will be no harm from it.

Is it possible to drink medical-table mineral water without the recommendation of a specialist? You can, but not always, otherwise you risk harming your health.