Why can not you look in the mirror?

Many believe that signs are fiction, and there is no meaning in them, but there are people who believe that superstitions are the wisdom of their ancestors and unquestioningly follow all the instructions. A large number of signs is associated with the mirror, because it was endowed with different magical abilities. Many are interested in why you can not look in the mirror for a long time and how this can affect a person. Modern psychics consider him a portal to other worlds, through which can pass different spirits, entities and even the devil.

Why can not you look in the mirror at night?

Such a sign is based on information that it is in the dark time of the day that a door opens into the other world, and dark forces can reach a person. Therefore, many rituals and rituals to call the demons are held precisely at night. In ancient times, people believed that if you look in the mirror at night, then some sort of essence can take over a person or some negative thing can be transferred. There is also the opinion that spirits from the other world can be fueled by energy from a person who looks at night in a mirror. Psychics say that it is not worth it for people without magical abilities to look into mirrors through the flame of a candle, as this can lead to the appearance of serious diseases and various problems.

Why not look in the mirror to young children?

The ancient Slavs believed that if a child is brought up to the mirror for a year, he can lose his soul. Again, it can affect the evil spirits who make their way into our world through mirrors. According to another opinion, why babies can not look in the mirror, the baby can lose its energy. By the way, many noticed that after the child looked at his reflection, he begins to cry and can not be reassured for a long time. Still, having seen spirits and demons in the looking-glass, the kid can be strongly frightened, that in the future can become the reason of a stammering.