Small aquarium fish

If your capacity for an aquarium is not too great or there is a question of selecting species of fish that do not need complex care and constant attention, then it's time to pay attention to the different types of small aquarium fish.

Small aquarium fish for beginners

First, we list the three most popular and resistant even to very unfavorable conditions of the species of small aquarium fish, which are suitable for breeding beginners aquarists.

Firstly, this is, of course, all known guppies . Small viviparous fishes with beautiful tail design are able to survive even in very harsh environments, without the lack of additional lighting or water aeration.

Swordsmen - this species is distinguished by an unusual tail structure with an elongated lower junction resembling a sword or a peak, for which the species received its name. Are unpretentious to the quality of water and other living conditions.

Soma-corridors - a stable small species of benthic fish, which themselves have a positive effect on the ecosystem in the aquarium.

Types of small aquarium fish

It is necessary to give some more names of small aquarium fish.

Molliesia - a beautiful view with a bright coloration, these aquarium fish are suitable even for small aquariums.

Harzinca Tetra is a rarer variety. They already require water filtration and aeration for healthy growth and development. Best live in small groups of 5 individuals.

Ternesia - moving small fish, well getting along in mixed aquariums.

Danio (rerio, pink) - bright rots with striped coloring and beautiful translucent fins.

Torakatum is an unusual kind of catfish. He is already quite large, although he gets on well with other fish species and does not show aggression.

Gurami - the fish are already close to the average size. In favorable conditions, they are peaceful, but they can be aggressive.

Barbus - schooling fish, do not get along well with other species. For barbs, it is best to allocate a separate pond and settle several representatives at once there.