Malawi cichlids

In the African lake of Malawi (Nyasa) there live a huge number of species of living beings. It is considered the third largest on our planet among freshwater reservoirs, it is inferior only to Baikal and Tanganyika by its size. Only freshwater fish there are up to 1000 species. Some of them are commercial, providing nourishment to the native population. But other fish look so attractive, that immediately won sympathy among lovers of decorative living creatures. These include the famous Malavian cichlids - some of the most popular aquarium fish on the planet, which we want to tell you in this short note.

Malawian cichlids - description and content

Scientists distinguish two main types of "Malawians" - utaka and mbuna. The first love to live in the open space, and the second - near the coast of Lake Nyasa. It is clear that such creatures are not suitable for small aquariums, it is better to buy reservoirs from 150 liters and more. They need to be provided with good filtration and aeration, at a water temperature in the region of 24-26 degrees and a hardness of 8-8.5 pH. Its artificial pond needs to be equipped with several decorative shelters in the form of stones or shells. Our cichlids are great lovers of digging in the ground . Plant the roots of plants with stones , so that the fish do not destroy them.

What are the diseases of Malawian cichlids?

Any living beings are exposed to pathogens or other parasites. Cichlids can not be an exception. If you see that a fish swims on its side or upside down, it can mean an inflammation of the swim bladder. To such a disease leads to careless handling during transportation, fights between males, various infections. All fish that look suspicious or are already sick, it is better to quarantine. Here you need to keep some time and all the copies you just bought. We list the common diseases of cichlids:

What to feed the Malachy cichlids?

When buying fish, ask the seller thoroughly what kind of food they are best suited for - dry, canned or live. Mbuna feed on vegetation, grow to 12 cm, and have a bright mottled color. But уtaka eat fodder of animal origin, and can reach 20 cm in length. Often these fish can attack even their small relatives. If you begin to feed cichlids with unusual food for them, then this practice can lead to undesirable consequences.

Food should be fresh and of such size that it is easily swallowed. "Malawians" can offer cyclops, daphnia or artemia. The latter is suitable for both fry and small cichlids. Lovers of vegetable food can be treated with scalded slices of lettuce, nettle or spinach. Predators some indulge in young guppies or small fish of a different species, if you accidentally have an excess of such living material.

Breeding of Malavi cichlids

Most types of "Malawians" prefer polygamy, and stable pairs do not form. A male can make friends with several friends at once. Although there are also such small fishes that constantly spawn together. First they lay eggs on aquarium plants or stones, and then hide the fry in their mouth, protecting them, thus, from the attack of predators. Care for young people is carried out by either one female or both parents. There are often cases when they do not cope with their duties, there is even the eating of offspring by parents. Those who want to breed Malawian cichlids should be patient and prepare for the inevitable difficulties.

Compatibility of Malawian cichlids

There are many compatibility tables for aquarium fish. But you need to understand that the behavior of these beautiful creatures is affected by many factors - the size of the tank, its design, the type of food, even the water temperature. Cichlids can get along with other fish, especially if they are not too different from them in size. But the "Malawians" prefer to control the territory, and fights between the inhabitants of your aquarium are almost inevitable. How can you reduce aggression? It is best to run all your cichlids at once in a new aquarium. If you do this step-by-step, the old-timers can attack the newcomers. Also in this case an important role is played by various shelters - snags, rocks, shells. Each inhabitant will find a shelter if desired, and wait out a dangerous period.