Spirea - secrets of growing a flower in a garden plot

Decorative spirea (tavolga) is a deciduous shrub of the Rosaceae family. The word speira in Greek means "bend". The name of the plant confirms the elasticity of its shoots, of which in the ancient times do whips and ramrods. An important feature of the bush is its unpretentiousness, most of its species are acceptable for cultivation in the middle latitude of Russia.

Spiraeus - description

Tavolga is a frost-resistant, well tolerated drought-tolerant culture, it grows rapidly and lives for a long time, pleases with colorful flowering, keeping its attractive appearance for decades. Among the varieties of the bush, there is spirea dwarf (up to 15 cm in size), and high (up to 2.5 m). Brief description of the culture:

Tavolga pleases coloring all season. In the spring it is decorated with reddish, gold or salad foliage. In summer, purple, light pink or snow-white inflorescences come to the fore. In the autumn, the foliage becomes rich in crimson, orange, lemon-yellow tones. Culture is widely used in landscape landscaping - as a fence , curb, lawn decoration.

Spiraeus - species and varieties

The plant has 90 varieties, which differ from each other in coloring and outlines of leaves, inflorescences. Spirea is appreciated for lush colorful rosettes. Varieties are divided into spring and summer. The first corollas are fastened on the shoots of the previous year and have a milky color. In summer - rosettes red, pinkish, crimson, grow on young branches. With a competent choice of specimens, it is easy to achieve continuous flowering from spring to autumn. Spirea is a frost-hardened shrub, he loves light, well tolerates urban fumes. It grows rapidly and starts flowering for the third year.

Spirea Grefsheim

Decorative spirea represents species of spring varieties and is considered among them one of the best. Grefshem attracts a plentiful early flowering - its snow-white terry rosettes completely cover the shoots. The bush with drooping arched branches, adorned with delicate bouquets, looks very picturesque. The height of the bush reaches 2 meters, its crown is branchy and rounded, the branches are red-brown.

Leaves on the stems lanceolate peaked, in spring and summer - greyish-green, in autumn - gently golden. Grefshem blooms 45 days, starting in May. The shrub tolerates cold, sun-loving, but lives in the shade. The culture grows rapidly, starts to please with pearl-white rosettes, gathered in dense bundles, from the second year, it is an excellent honey plant.

Spirea Goldflame

Powerful spirea fast-growing Japanese Goldfleym is an excellent specimen with a yellowish color of foliage. Characterized by the transformation of the shade of golden plates during the season: pomegranate in spring, juicy-yellow - at the time of flowering, fiery-copper - in the autumn months. The shrub reaches a height of 0.8 m and 1 m in diameter. Richly blooms from late June to mid-August pink and red rosettes with miniature coronals collected in corymbose panicles. The variety is well tolerated by cold, photophilic. The foliage becomes colorful in the open areas, in the shade - green.

Spirea Bumalda

Such spiraea - a cross between white and flowered varieties with Japanese, but unlike them, it is much shorter. It has a compact shape up to 75 cm, spherical, with erect stems. In spirea Bumald sprouts are bare and slightly ribbed with wine-red leaf plates - pointed and serrate. The bush blooms almost all summer from the end of June to September with countless lilac-pink flat flaps. There are species with different tides of lilac or white color. Varieties of the brand Bumald:

  1. Anthony Vaterer is a bush with narrow leaves and bright red flowers.
  2. Darts Red - straight stems, spring foliage pinkish, after olive, in autumn scarlet, flowers of pomegranate or crimson color, collected in scutes.

White spirea

Decorative spiraea white is a specimen with ribbed red-brown shoots and pointed serrate leaves. Shrub is moisture resistant, actively used in living fences. At the ends of young shoots in July, there are pearl pyramidal pubescent inflorescences-panicles of 6-15 cm. The plant is pleased by the tender endless August rosettes, exuding a pleasant aroma.

The unpretentious Vangutta white strikes with its double sprigs and spirea. The bush attracts with impressive dimensions, reaches a level of 2 m. It is decorated with sprawling branches bending downward, forming an attractive cascade. Its leaves are jagged, green on top, and bluish underneath. Rosettes at Vangutta are thick, with multiple hemispherical inflorescences, pure white, densely covering the entire shoot. The plant is relevant for use in hedges, when decorating park areas.

Billard's Spirea

Billard spirea grows with shrubs with branching branches reaching 2 m in height. Has lanceolate leaves, serrate, from below grayish-felt. Bright pink flowers are collected in narrowed, conical, panicle sockets, they are attractive pubescent. Corollas decorate the bush from the end of July until the frost. Spirea has varieties, the most popular is Triumphance. This is a tall (up to 2.5 m) bush, decorated with purple-pink spicate inflorescences of 20 cm. In this variety, the shoots quickly wither, after 4 years they are better cut off in order to preserve decorability.

Spirea vivacious

Romantic spirea ivolistnaya - a specimen undemanding, withstands heat and frost. In nature it grows in floodplains of rivers, near lakes, in swamps. It is beautiful at any time of the year, has reddish brown-straw straight shoots, reaches a level of 2 m. In this spiraea there are dark green leaf plates in the description that are thin and lanceolate like veins. At the edges they are serrate, from below the color is lighter. Thanks to the foliage, it received its name.

On the rosettes of the bush a lot of small flowers on thin legs, similar to cherry. They are found in different shades - from snow-white to lilac or garnet-red. Corollas are grouped in pyramidal or cylindrical panicles up to 20 cm long, attract bees, blossom in June-July. The plant is frost-resistant, best develops on moist substrates. Used mainly in group disembarkations.

Shirobana Spiraea

This is a unique stunningly beautiful spiraea: the species and variety is the Japanese Shiroban (or Jenpay). At her on one socket simultaneously there are flowers of bright white, light pink and lilac color. Tavolga is undersized, up to 0.8 m, with a compact rounded crown, 1 m across. The stems are red-brown, the foliage is bright green throughout the whole season, in autumn it attracts purple hues.

The bush abundantly blooms from July to August on the stems of this year, frost-resistant, well tolerates urban conditions. The culture is sun-loving, it is undemanding to the substrate. It is used to equip low curbs, rockeries, as a ground cover plant. Culture looks attractive in an ensemble with coniferous trees, other shrubs.

Douglas's Spire

This late-spiraling spirea of ​​a summer variety comes from North America. It is an upright culture, up to 1.5 m high with red-chestnut pubescent branches. The plate plates of Douglas are elongated lanceolate, silvery, at the top jagged. Their bottom is covered with whitish pile. In July, the shrub at the ends of the stems is covered with pink, pyramidal, paniculate rosettes. They delight the look until the end of the summer.

The ability to produce colorful rosettes of the plant will acquire in three years. It multiplies by seeds and cuttings. Douglas's spirea with bright pink flowers and silvery foliage is of particular importance for park beautification. It is appreciated for spectacular inflorescences, colorfully looks in groups on a background of lawns, fringes, along garden paths.

Spirya Crispa

Curly (or Crisp) spiraea represents species of Japanese undersized shrubs. It reaches 0.6 m in height, has a spherical heap crown, upright stems, numerous, some curved. From July to August, at the tips of the stems appear lush, flat umbrellas, assembled from small delicately lilac-pink non-flower flowers with a diameter of 5.5 cm.

The compact shrub is decorated with a wine-red foliage when it opens, then it becomes emerald, shiny. Plates have a wavy edge, which gives the plant exoticism. In the autumn, the foliage illuminates with a spark of scarlet or fiery color. The sort of Crisp is appropriate for decorating a romantic garden, it will bring many pleasant moments to lovers of unhurried walks.

Asphyrexia ashen

Gray (or ashy) spirea in the description is a tall shrub (up to 2 m) with fluffy ribbed stems. Leaf plates are silvery, light-colored from below, pointed. The snow-white flowers of the blackish-gray are collected in loose flaps, beautifully located on the stem. At the top of the branches, the sockets are sessile, closer to the bottom - they grow on their thin legs.

The gray tagolga blooms in May, its bush is very expressive thanks to drooping arched stems, numerous white corolla. The plant is a hybrid, so it does not divorce seeds. The bush is branching hard, staunchly experiencing frost. Plant it in a single copy or in small groups, branches can be used to compose bouquets.

Spireya Frobeli

Attractive, elegant sort of Japanese spiraea. It looks colorful in summer and in spring - shades of crimson color are constantly present on the bush, either on leaves or on corollas. It has a height and diameter of up to 1 m, is characterized by crimson leaf blades in spring when it is blossoming, in the autumn they impress with a bright coral tone. The bush blooms from July to September with clove buds, a 12 cm diameter, grouped in crimson shields.

The variety is characterized by increased winter hardiness, undemanding to the fertility of the substrate. For the formation of a beautiful crown and the extension of the flowering stage, a pruning is required in the spring. Such spirae landing is recommended in the areas protected from the wind. Frobeli is widely used for podbivki more tall congeners and ennobling edges, borders, living fences.

Spiraea Snowmoon

This is one of the most spectacular spirals of early flowering. She comes from Japan , where she grows on the island of Hondo. The shrub reaches 2 m in height, has a spherical crown and horizontally aspiring branches. The shoots are covered with all-edged mint leaves 5 cm long, retaining their color until late autumn. Nippon spirea attracts abundant flowering and a compact crown structure.

Its buds are purple, the flowers are snow-white, in corymbose rosettes, thickly cover the shoots. Corollas look good for 25 days - almost all June. The plant looks enchantingly in single plantations. Spirea Nippon snow-white snoumund due to the abundance of flowers, the elegance of refined arched bending branches has a charming appearance both nearby and from afar.