Epiphyllum - home care

Care of this representative of cacti is quite simple. The plant has received the love of florists not only for its unpretentiousness, but also for the original flowering. Sometimes it is even called a prickly orchid.

Cactus epiphyllum - care

Below we will consider a list with the main items for the care of the epiphyllum.

  1. So, first choose a place for the flowerpot. The plant feels great in bright and simultaneously diffused light, but it tolerates penumbra well. The more such light you provide to a cactus, the brighter and more abundant will bloom. You will learn about the lack of light by characteristic yellowing.
  2. When caring for the epiphyllum at home, it is worth considering the fact that this cactus comes from moist forests, and therefore it will have to be watered relatively often. As soon as the top layer dries, you can again start watering with warm and soft water.
  3. On the humidity of the air, the cactus does not react particularly, but in a hot, dry summer it is desirable to periodically spray it from the spray gun.
  4. An important moment in the care of the flower epiphyllum is timely feeding. It is sufficient to use a standard complex fertilizer for cacti twice a month. During flowering it is useful to indulge the plant with a solution of Mullein.
  5. Do not forget when leaving and about circumcision epiphyllum. The fact is that on the shoot, a flower is formed only once, in time, old shoots lose the ability to bloom at all. Therefore, circumcision of the epiphyllum should be performed as part of the care every few years. This also applies to weak thin shoots with three faces: they almost never have flowers.
  6. Propagate more often by cuttings, but there is a seed method. If the plant is old, it can be multiplied by dividing during the transplant.

Epiphyllum care at home

There are several common mistakes that inexperienced growers allow, which usually leads to death or cactus disease. In the care of the epiphyllum, it is important to observe the measure and not to fill the pot, otherwise the decay of the roots will not keep you waiting.

If the plant in a private house is in the air, slugs can attack it. Sometimes on shoots there are so-called cork spots. As a rule, it is a symptom of a fungal infection of the fusarium type. That is why the prevention of various diseases must be permanent. Otherwise, no other special efforts, the cactus will not "ask".