Carnation chinese - growing out of seeds

Cultivate the Chinese clove can be both on the site, and in the pots on the window or on the balcony. As you know, most varieties of carnation refers to perennials, but in a temperate climate they are grown as annual plants. New hybrid varieties of Chinese carnation are annual plants with a long and lush bloom.

The Chinese carnation grows in the form of a bush up to half a meter high. Leaves are narrow, paired, sometimes twisted. Dwarf species grow only 15 cm high. Cloves in June-August blossom with white, pink, burgundy flowers with a characteristic saturated bordeaux stripe on the petals.

Planting and caring for Chinese carnations

The annual Chinese carnation is grown exclusively from seeds. Perennial - cuttings, bush division and seeds. Consider seeding Chinese cloves from seeds, followed by planting in open ground or picking in pots.

On the question of when to plant a carnation Chinese on seedlings, the answer will be - early spring. Seeds need to be planted in a prepared box with drainage and a light damp ground. From above, seeds are covered with a thin layer of soil (2 mm) and covered with paper.

During the germination of seeds, the air temperature should be at + 16..20 ° C. The soil needs to be moistened periodically. After 10 days, the first seedlings will appear, which can be dived when they grow a little. The air temperature after the emergence of sprouts must be reduced to + 10 ... 15 ° C. It is extremely important to adhere to such a temperature regime.

Caring for Chinese carnations

Plant the seedlings of perennial carnations in early summer, first in the greenhouse, and in autumn - transplant into the open ground, keeping between plants a distance of 20-30 cm.

Annual cloves are planted in partial shade or under direct sunlight. In abundant watering, she absolutely does not need. The soil at the landing site should be light and well drained, with a small amount of lime.

If you want to grow cloves in a pot with a substrate without soil, the plant needs a weekly feeding. Perennial plants growing in the open ground, it is necessary to feed potassium fertilizers, since the second year.

From pests bushes need to be sprayed with Bordeaux fluid and cut already damaged areas of the plant. Also, you need to trim the stems with faded flowers and seed boxes, if you want to prolong flowering.

Before the onset of winter, a perennial clove needs to be cut 10 cm above the ground. An additional shelter for the plant is not necessary - it tolerates the cold well.