Increase in weight in infants

By the way a baby increases the body weight, one can judge about the state of his health. Weight gain in infants depends on many factors: the amount and nature of nutrition, the presence of congenital anomalies ( heart defects , digestive system), hereditary intolerance of amino acids or lactose due to the lack of enzymes. Next, we will consider the rates of weight gain in infants, and also in what cases the weight of the child may be more or less than the norm.

Table of weight gain in infants by month

WHO experts have developed norms for increasing the weight of babies by months, which are allowed small fluctuations. So, for example, tall parents have large children, and they can gain more weight. And, accordingly, in small parents, children are born small and can recruit fewer other children. The average newborn is born with a weight of 2650 to 4500 kg. And for the first week can lose up to 10% of the body weight. On average, the first half a year the baby types 800 grams per month, which is reflected in the formula:

Body mass = body weight at birth (g) + 800 * N, where N is the number of months.

Beginning with the seventh month of life, weight gain is significantly reduced and is determined by the following formula:

Body mass = body weight at birth (g) + 800 * 6 (weight gained by the child in the first six months) + 400 * (N-6), where N is the number of months from 6 to 12.

However, pediatricians do not estimate the body weight of the child separately, but the mass-to-height ratio (mass-growth index), which gives grounds for talking about the harmony of child development. The following table shows the rate of growth and weight gain for infants WHO.

Variations in weight gain in infants

Just want to note that the birth of a large child (more than 4.5 kg) is possible in parents who have a tendency to increase blood sugar. And the birth of depleted hypotrophic children speaks of fetoplacental insufficiency , intrauterine infection and anomalies of internal organs.

The increase in weight of the baby depends on the type of feeding. So, babies on breastfeeding in most cases are recruited according to the table, and artificial persons are usually larger than their peers. If there is not enough milk from the mother or if it does not meet the proper composition, the infant may not gain enough weight. Too large a set of body weight in the baby can talk about the pathology of the cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine system.

How can I tell if a baby is gaining weight badly?

Young mothers often can not immediately determine that their baby is missing the milk that is. To do this, you need to pay attention to the behavior of the child. If the baby eats, he can sleep peacefully up to 3 hours, and even if he is awake, he does not show irritation. A hungry child falls asleep only for small periods of time, then wakes up and requires another feeding. A newborn child should urinate up to 20 times a day, and recover 3-4 times. For the sake of experiment it is possible to try to weigh the child before and after feeding. He should increase his weight by 60 grams.

Thus, we examined how much a newborn child should be recruited in the first year of life. If the baby does not gain weight, then you should consult a pediatrician to determine the cause. If the cause of insufficient weight gain is hypogalactia, the doctor will help to choose a good mixture and give recommendations on mixed feeding, as well as advise medicines to stimulate lactation.