Mirabilis - planting and care

Every florist dreams that his site blossoms and smells all day long. But how to achieve this? After all, flowers mostly lead a daily life. It would seem, it is necessary to reconcile with this situation. But, as it turned out, this venture is quite feasible. And realize this possibility will help flower mirabilis. This amazing flower came to us from the American continent and immediately conquered many flower lovers who christened it "Night Beauty". This name is not for nothing. The fact is that his beautiful flowers blossom and fill the garden with an amazing fragrance in the evening, or when the sun hides behind clouds. But this is not all the features of a beautiful flower. You will be amazed to find flowers of different colors on the blooming mirabilis. On one plant violet, crimson, yellow and red flowers can be dismissed. There can also be found flowers, petals of which will be multi-colored. Truly this is a beautiful sight. How to grow this miracle on your site? As it turned out, this is not so difficult.

How to grow a mirabilis?

In its native land, mirabilis is considered to be a perennial plant. Due to the winter conditions of our region, most growers cultivate it as an annual. This is facilitated by the possibility of growing mirabilis from seeds. If the summer turns out to be warm enough and dry, the seeds of your mirabilis will have time to ripen, and you only need to collect them and save them until the spring. The planting of seeds should begin in mid-April. Fill the pots with non-acidic soil, place them on the windowsill and plant the seeds. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the seeds are covered with a very hard shell. In this regard, it is not superfluous to pre-plant a little napilit seeds with a nail file. During watering, try not to overdo it. Mirabilis is not very good for excessive moisture. If there is a greenhouse on your site, then you can place pots or boxes with planted mirabilis in it.

As a variant for the cultivation of seedlings of mirabilis, a hotbed, sheltered with a film, is also quite good. However, it is better to plant seeds in the nursery at the end of April.

The second method of propagation of mirabilis is the reproduction of tubers. For those who grow dahlias in their area, this method will not be a curiosity. The tubs of the mirabilis are also excavated in the autumn and stored until spring in a cool place, sprinkled with a layer of sawdust or peat. The choice of how to plant a mirabilis depends on you. Do not want to mess around with seedlings? Plant tubers. Nowhere to store the tubers? Planting seeds is perfect for you.


Transplanting mirabilis in the open ground is carried out at the end of spring, when the danger of nocturnal frosts passes. Since the plant comes from warm countries, the place for it must be sunny and well warmed up. You can plant the plants either one-by-one or in whole rows, forming a hedge . In the latter case, it is necessary to observe a distance of 40-50 cm between plants. Optimal soil for the mirabilis will be fertile loamy soil with low acidity.

Features of care

The plant is very unpretentious. For this reason, care for the mirabilis is quite simple. Do not pour it with water, as well as overdry. There are no special requirements for top dressing.

Take care of it a little, and mirabilis will please you with its bright colors and charming aroma. With the onset of dusk, when you have finished all your business and wish to simply relax in the garden, the amazing flower of the mirabilis will help you to plunge into the atmosphere of a night fairy tale. Until the morning, his flowers will be full of the brightest shades, filling everything around with his fragrance.