Square Lo-shu

The square of Lo-shu occupies one of the main niches in the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. It is with his help that masters make predictions. Moreover, this Chinese tool became the basis for the creation of astrology .

What do the numbers mean in the magic square of Lo-shu?

Each side, as well as the number of a square, has a geographical orientation (north, west, south and east). In addition, there are additional directions (center, south and north-east, north and south-west). On a square three by three, all the figures are arranged in such a way that for any of their addition, both horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, we obtain the magic number 15. The number 5, which is centered and symbolizes the element "earth", divides large and small numbers. The number 9 is the southern direction, corresponds to the red color, 1 - northern, blue, 3 - east, green, 7 - western, white, 2 south-west, yellow, 8 - northeast, also yellow, 4 - south- east, green, 6 - north-west, white.

Square Lo-shu in the apartment

To every aspect of human life there corresponds a certain zone of his apartment. To determine it, you must put a magic square on the plan of the dwelling. It is important to start from the location of the sides of the world, in other words, zone number 1 is located in the northern part of the apartment.

  1. Northern zone . She personifies career growth. Its color is blue and black. It will not be superfluous to place here metal attributes: Chinese coins, a frog.
  2. Southwestern . The zone is orange and red, which requires that there are no broken objects in it.
  3. Eastern . Personalization of home comfort, financial well-being. It will not be superfluous to put in it a family tree, which should be carefully looked after.
  4. Southeast . The golden, purple zone is responsible for wealth. It is important to exclude metal objects. The best option for her is to place a small fountain, an aquarium .
  5. North-western . The metal, golden, silver zone prefers objects of a round shape. In order to activate it, the zone can be decorated with bells.
  6. Central . Impersonation of health. This zone corresponds to yellow color and square shapes. The best option for her is to put cute toys and postcards.
  7. Western . White zone, responsible for children including. for the future. It will not be superfluous to decorate it with statuettes depicting toddlers.