Karmic connections of men and women

Everyone knows that every person has behind his back a lot of lives that have a direct impact on our present. In addition, there is a karmic connection between every woman and man. After all, if in a particular life their external appearance undergoes changes, then the kindred souls remember each other.

Karmic connections - how to recognize them?

At the moment there are many ways to determine the karmic connection:

Recently, esoteric science has borne such a science as plectology, thanks to which we today learn about the karmic connections of a man and a woman.

Thus, partners who in previous lives were bound by such a strong feeling as love , in their present can not suspect of the existence of each other, live a full life, have a family. In a moment a person can feel an inexplicable affection, a craving for a stranger. A chance meeting is capable of turning everything upside down, or vice versa. Such people always want to be closer to each other and after a while they can play their former lives, which left unresolved moments.

Signs of karmic communication

There are two types of karmic relations between a man and a woman:

  1. Debt-creditor . The name of this scheme suggests that in a past life one of the partners had unresolved conflicts, problems and, perhaps, debts. In the end, having met again, both must re-learn the same lesson. The most interesting thing is that depending on the karmic debt, in which role both are found, much depends. For example, in the past, the "creditor" was offended by the "debtor" and in the present, the former plays the role of a sick husband, the second - the wife, who is destined to take care of him.
  2. Magnet . Karmic communication with a man can complement the life of a woman. These are Yin and Yang, which are a single whole. Thanks to the energy of both, they are improving, reaching unprecedented vital summits.

Love between people with a karmic bond is so strong that no quarrel, any conflict situations, misunderstanding can not separate them.

It will not be superfluous to note that, according to experts, couples whose age difference is 5-15 years, are united by karmic ties. Often in such cases, there is what is called love at first sight.