Law of Karma

The idea of ​​karma came to us from Eastern philosophical views. It deals with retribution, causality establishes the criteria by which something happens to a person in the present. It is likely that this happens, because it is this soul that has done something in the past. At least, that is the law of karma , it is quite specific in this respect. This concept lies beyond one life or one existence, linking several to each other.

It also has a direct bearing on samsara, the eternal wheel of life. If you are interested in the karma of a person and the ways of liberation from the wheel of samsara, then quite a lot on this subject is written in Hindu philosophical works and as a rule purification is meant by good deeds and thoughts. Of great importance here is the correct or, on the contrary, erroneous interpretation. As a rule, it is believed that the law of karma can not be mistaken, and if a person does not live very well, it means that he needs to understand something, to figure something out.

Difficulties and obstacles in this state will be perceived as a kind of challenge. The more challenges are on the way of a person, the better for him, because life lessons give an excellent chance to develop, to improve oneself. Quite closely related are such concepts as money and karma, if a person does not live very richly, then it is likely that he had in the past excessive material wealth, which he could not properly dispose of. And, on the contrary, wealth can mean that this personality has its own merits.

How to fix karma?

Of course, many people are interested in working with their karma. After all, its correction helps at the same time improve life. However, there are no universal recipes, as they simply can not be. If you do not know, how to fix karma, you need to pay attention to your life. Is there something wrong in it? Much is not it? Do not you think that there are too many coincidences? What kind of life would you like to live? What's stopping you?

If you ask these questions seriously, then you need to study not amateur interpretations, but philosophical teachings, existing and relevant in the present. For example, there are recommendations on how to change karma in the corresponding works, but they are given in a rather general form. In general, concrete advice should be given to oneself alone, this is one of the nuances of the law, it is necessary to learn to see the lessons and tests, to bypass them and perceive stoically. The main goal of life is everyone sets himself.