Chakras and diseases

The connection of the state of the chakras and human diseases has long been revealed. If any of your chakras are closed, then it can give rise to a variety of diseases that are correlated with this energy center. Consider the chakras and diseases more.

Ajna - the sixth chakra (the third eye)

The area of ​​the head and everything that relates to it are connected to the anatomically: the brain, eyes, nose, upper teeth. It is worth noting that all chakras and diseases and treatment are connected, and meditation on the appropriate chakra is capable of healing a person.

This chakra is oppressed if a person is wasting his energy in vain or chained to an object. For example, you are experiencing because of what is happening in your home, and give some of the energy to this place. This can lead to headaches and other pathological conditions. Setting a failure to see anything depresses the eyesight.

Chakra is oppressed when a person experiences negative emotions, stresses, discontent. This generates sinusitis and problems with upper teeth. In addition, if a person often restrains tears, energy is also wasted and leads to different problems.

Vishudha - the fifth chakra (throat)

Vishudha is associated with the larynx, with the thyroid and parathyroid glands, with the ears, the upper part of the bronchi, the esophagus, the trachea, the cervical vertebrae.

More often we all oppress this chakra with an understatement: if a person is afraid to express his opinion, the chakra suffers. Often, this creates a lump in the throat - this is the first signal problems with the fifth chakra. In addition, Vishuddha is oppressed because of criticism.

Throat diseases are possible in two cases - if a person expresses his opinion when he is not asked, and if his opinion is suppressed, it is not stated. Diseases and stuttering, deafness are also possible from this.

If a person has lost interest in his appearance or no sense of taste - it is a broken, seriously broken fifth chakra.

Anahata - the fourth, heart chakra

With anahata, the heart and the entire cardiovascular system, the lungs, the thoracic vertebrae, hands, ribs, and the lower part of the bronchi are connected.

Look at your hands: if the skin is dry and wrinkled, the chakra is depressed. This happens as a result of the impossibility of free expression of feelings - emotions are clamped or blocked. In the future, problems with this chakra lead to heart disease, hypertension. If a person lives with other people's desires, he gives up his energy, and he may have a heart attack. Possible lung disease in the case of lack of joy in life, longing, lack of enthusiasm, a strong quarrel.

Osteochondrosis is usually associated with refusal to express feelings, and scoliosis - with a lack of energy. If anhata is broken, as a rule, a person will feel depressed, sensitive.

Manipura - the third chakra

Manipura affects the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, small intestine, the upper part of the kidneys and adrenal glands, liver, spleen, pancreas and lower back.

This chakra is oppressed by those who do not take responsibility for their actions, are inclined to live in a debt, do not defend their interests and opinions, and refuse to dominate. A vivid symptom is a constant sense of fear, anxiety, self-doubt, etc. In this case, liver disease - the accumulation of unutterable anger, and pancreatic - due to lack of initiative (here - frequent poisoning). Diabetes is due to a general discontent with life. Infertility - because of the strong domination of men.

Svadhisthana - the second chakra

With svadhisthana, the bladder, the genitals, the lower part of the kidneys, the renal pelvis, the ureters, the urethra, the lower part of the lower back, the thighs are connected. Svadhisthana is oppressed when a person makes many promises and does not fulfill them, and also because of blocking their desires. It is important to be able to distinguish worthy from unworthy and be able to enjoy life. Strongly beats at this center fear of pregnancy and both sexes (in mzhchiny - for a woman).

If too much energy accumulates here, it leads to various inflammations and even schizophrenia. If a person internally forbids himself to have fun, or vice versa, he feels like manifesting himself in bed, or often changing partners, deceiving himself or others - different diseases of the sexual sphere are possible.

Muladhara - lower chakra

With the muladhara, the sacrum, the prostate gland, the pelvis, the large intestine, the rectum are connected.

If problems with this chakra are possible gemmora, constipation, diarrhea - this is often the symptoms of greed. This includes problems with teeth and bones. With muladhara associated diseases associated with excessively dense blood - for example, thrombophlebitis.