Stool analysis for coprogram

Digestion of food is accompanied by complex biochemical processes, during which there is a splitting of structural units of food and absorption of nutrients. The final product of such metabolism is secretions from the intestine, the study of which allows us to learn much about the state of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, analysis of stool for coprogram is used - an important and most informative way to diagnose diseases of the digestive system or to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy.

What does the feces analysis show for the coprogram?

Through this study, you can identify the presence of inflammatory or other pathological processes in some organs of the gastrointestinal tract, draw conclusions about the digestive system as a whole.

General analysis of feces or coprograms can detect such diseases and conditions:

How correctly to hand over the general analysis of a feces and to prepare it on koprogrammu?

To obtain reliable and correct results of the described survey, it is important to observe several recommended laboratory rules before submitting the material.

Preparation for the analysis of feces on the coprogram is as follows:

1. 4-5 days before the expected collection of feces begin to follow the diet of Schmidt or Pevzner.

2. Do not do on the eve of the delivery of excrement enema and do not enter a candle.

3. In the case of a recent colonoscopy or intestinal examination with contrast agents, wait at least 2 days before collection of stool.

4. Do not take drugs that in any way affect the digestive and evacuation processes of the contents of the stomach or intestines:

5. Women do not take the material during or immediately after menstruation.

In addition, it is important to collect the feces correctly for analysis:

  1. Use only a clean, new container.
  2. Take stool only after spontaneous defecation.
  3. Place in material a material from 3-4 sites of excrement.
  4. Avoid getting into urine feces or vaginal discharge.
  5. Deliver the material to the laboratory either immediately or not later than 10-12 hours after emptying, provided that the container is stored in the refrigerator (on the side door).

Norms of stool analysis for a coprogram

The final products of the digestive process must be well-formed, have a soft consistency, a brown color and a faint odor. The reaction ph is neutral.

In normal feces are absent:

A moderate or a small amount of indigestible fiber is allowed.