Magnetic resonance imaging - modern diagnostics of the whole organism

Assess the condition of soft tissues and internal organs is difficult without special diagnostic procedures. Magnetic resonance scanning is one of the most informative technologies for obtaining the necessary medical data. This is a safe and painless manipulation with a minimum of contraindications.

Types of MRI studies

The procedure described is classified according to the zone and method of investigation. Additionally, the types of MRI are divided into groups depending on the part of the body being scanned. Existing types of magnetic resonance manipulation:

Tomography can be carried out with the introduction of a contrast solution. This is a special medical fluid with chemical compounds that enhance the difference between tissues with different structures. Thanks to the contrast material, the study is reliable and accurate, and the model of the organ being scanned is as detailed as possible.

MRI angiography

The presented type of the event provides an exhaustive information about the blood vessels. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is based on the difference between the signals of mobile protons of a biological fluid and static surrounding tissues. The procedure helps not only to find pathologies in the structure of veins and arteries, but also to assess the intensity and speed of blood flow.

This magnetic resonance imaging is a common method for diagnosing cancerous tumors (near the neoplasms the vascular pattern is intensified). Through this manipulation, metastases can be detected and the degree of their germination in nearby tissues and organs can be determined. Angiography of cerebral vessels is an integral part of the complex therapy of strokes . In some cases, it helps to find out the cause of migraines.


This type of procedure is necessary for early diagnosis of brain diseases (mainly) and other organs. Even before the appearance of specific symptoms in the tissues, metabolic processes are disrupted. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) helps to identify even microscopic areas with pathological content of various biologically active substances. In emergency situations, blood or plasma spectroscopy is performed.

MR perfusion

The normal functioning of the internal organs largely depends on their blood supply. This nuclear magnetic resonance imaging is designed to evaluate the volumetric and high-speed inflow of biological fluid, the activity and correctness of venous outflow. With its help, the doctor is easier to differentiate the altered and healthy tissues, to detect violations in their work. Perfusion magnetic resonance imaging is used in the treatment of cerebral ischemic strokes. Through this study, you can determine the extent and extent of its damage.

MR diffusion

The most accurate and complex diagnostic technique that allows you to get maximum information about the state of cells, their membranes. The magnetic resonance apparatus registers the rate of movement of water molecules in tissues. If in certain areas it differs from the mean, the study will help to identify the cause and extent of the progression of the pathology.

Previously, MRI-diffusion of the whole body was carried out, especially when it was necessary to differentiate several diseases. In modern medicine, the described type of examination is used in the therapy of ischemic strokes and transient attacks. Advanced technology is used in the diagnosis of cancer pathologies, including severe stages of cancer with multiple metastases.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging

This study is designed for the following tasks:

The presented variant of MRT is functional diagnostics, it is based on intensification of blood circulation in active regions of the brain. During the procedure, the patient is asked to perform special tasks that stimulate the work of the investigated parts of the central nervous system. After this, the obtained magnetic resonance imaging and the results of manipulation at rest are compared. Such a diagnosis is necessary not only to detect brain pathologies, but also to assess the effectiveness of its treatment.

MRI - indications for examination

This procedure is prescribed for most diseases of the internal organs to clarify the primary diagnosis. General indications for MRI include disturbances in the functioning of the following systems:

Magnetic resonance imaging is especially necessary in such pathologies:

What does an MRI show?

The results of this procedure look like a three-dimensional image of the organs under investigation in several planes and angles. Body structures that can not be seen without surgical incisions accurately reflect magnetic resonance imaging - diagnosis provides detailed information on the functioning of all body systems. At the same time, hardware manipulation is non-invasive and completely painless.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain

The technology described is the only way to scrupulously examine the tissues and blood vessels of the main organ in the human body. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is used in diagnosis:

Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine

To study the musculoskeletal system it is possible with the help of an X-ray, but only the presented manipulation will allow to study the state of the spinal cord. In this case, magnetic resonance imaging is assigned to detect:

Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdominal cavity

This form of research helps to diagnose almost all diseases of the digestive system, except for pathologies of the stomach and intestines. For the most accurate assessment of the condition and function of the tissues, an MRI with contrast is recommended. The procedure ensures the detection of numerous diseases of the following organs:

Magnetic resonance nuclear tomography in detail reflects the state of lymphatic and blood vessels. This helps not only to determine the correct functioning of the digestive organs, but also to detect any type of formation at the earliest stages of progression. The presented survey method is also necessary for the analysis of current treatment.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the kidneys

Laboratory urine tests, ultrasound diagnostics and X-rays, even in combination, do not provide complete information about the state of the excretory system. MRI of kidney and adrenal gland in combination with scanning of the bladder and its ducts help to reveal:

Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvic organs

In gynecological and andrological practice, it is often necessary to clarify the presumptive diagnosis or to adjust the current therapeutic course. Magnetic resonance imaging of the small pelvis is prescribed in the following cases:

Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart

The type of manipulation described is used primarily to confirm suspicion of the presence of tumors. MRI of the heart shows such problems:

There is a magnetic resonance prophylactic tomography. It is recommended for patients who are preparing or undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting and similar surgical interventions. The procedure helps to evaluate the functioning of the bloodstream and determine the contractile characteristics of the heart. With its help, a thorough control of the rehabilitation process is carried out.

Magnetic resonance imaging of joints

This type of scan provides the doctor with complete information on the structure of these structures, the state of meniscuses and synovial bags. MRI of the joints is performed with such pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

Magnetic resonance examination is additionally prescribed the day before and after surgical manipulations on the joints. The procedure helps to evaluate the feasibility of endoprosthetics, choose the ideal implant and correctly install it. After the operation, scanning is performed to monitor the functionality of the prosthesis and its "survival rate".

MRI - contraindications

The presented survey is completely unacceptable in the following situations:

Relative contraindications:

The list is expanded if an MRI is planned with a contrast - contra-indications are supplemented with the following items: