Hemorrhoids after surgery

As a rule, the operation with hemorrhoids is carried out at 3-4 degrees of the disease, after which treatment in order to avoid complications and relapses should not stop. Rehabilitation after such a surgical intervention requires scrupulous compliance with the recommendations of a doctor. If the operation was performed by an open method, then the recovery period takes about 5 weeks, if closed, about 3 weeks. With minimally invasive interventions, this time is reduced to 3-7 days.

Recommendations after surgery to remove hemorrhoids

1. For immediate healing of postoperative wounds, local anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents are prescribed in the form of ointments and rectal suppositories, for example:

Useful procedures are warm sessile baths with broths of herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus, yarrow, etc. In case of severe pain, the use of analgesics is indicated.

2. Hygienic procedures - before complete healing of wounds it is very important to carefully observe the rules of hygiene and immediately after evacuation of the intestine wash away with water or herbal decoctions, refusing in this period from toilet paper.

3. Physical activity - in the early days, patients are recommended bed rest, and only after a while recommended physical activity (walking, swimming, morning workouts, etc.). Do not allow heavy physical activity, lifting weights of more than 3 kg.

4. Diet - plays a special role in the rehabilitation period, because it is important to maintain a soft regular stool for wound healing. The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits (except for those that cause fermentation and gas formation), cereals, sour-milk products. The recommended rate of fluid intake is at least 2 liters per day.