Stretch ceiling in the kitchen

Kitchen - a place in which there are not only the owners of the apartment, but guests and relatives. Repair in this room should be made as high-quality and stylish, so people often spend a lot of money and time on ennobling the kitchen. A special role in the repair is the installation of the ceiling. The design should normally tolerate cooking conditions, high humidity and temperature changes. An innovative idea was the stretch ceiling in the kitchen, which successfully carries all the listed conditions. The suspended ceiling fits perfectly into the style of the kitchen, it can be used in complex two-level structures, it is easy to clean and does not cause trouble for operation.

Properties of stretch ceilings

This design has certain advantages and disadvantages that must be foreseen when purchasing a ceiling. So, the pros of the stretch ceiling:

However, along with the advantages of stretch ceilings have their drawbacks. They are easily pierced with sharp objects, but you are unlikely to deliberately poke a knife or fork into your ceiling. For a ceiling it is necessary to select special lighting devices having the limited capacity and plafonds with thermoinsulation. Fabric stretch ceilings in the kitchen can pass moisture, because of what will not surface appear ugly stains, which can not be washed off. Well, the last, most important drawback - a fairly high price.

Ideas for the design of stretch ceilings in the kitchen

Designers often use PVC structures for kitchen decor. So, the most striking and stylish is the glossy stretch ceiling in the kitchen. This type of ceiling has a reflective surface that mirrors everything that is in the kitchen like a mirror. The cost of this ceiling is slightly higher than the matt tension ceiling , but the design itself looks much more impressive.

Those who still decided to use a matte ceiling, you need to remember that outwardly it will resemble wallpaper or a normal whitewashed ceiling. Its main advantage is the creation of a classical interior without striking provocative accents.

If you want experiments, you can install a two-level stretch ceiling in the kitchen. With it, you can wonder how to beat lighting, create an interesting design and make the ceiling an object of universal attention. When you use this design, you often use the game on contrasts. So, one level of stretch ceiling in the kitchen can be white, and the rest of the bright saturated color. Due to the white outlining the room will visually be higher and more spacious.

Depending on the color of the ceiling, you can emphasize the design of the kitchen and make the color of furniture more saturated. Red stretch ceiling in the kitchen will be perfectly combined with a monochrome kitchen with black, red or white furniture. Orange, green, blue stretch ceiling in the kitchen can be combined with furniture decorated with stylish photo printing. A bright note will make the style of the kitchen more interesting and perhaps even arouse the appetite. It's not for nothing that experts note that shades of orange and green exacerbate the feeling of hunger.

The dark stretch ceiling in the kitchen (brown, black, blue) should be installed in a spacious room where there is no question of saving square meters. A dark ceiling can make the room visually smaller, so use it very carefully.