Arrangement of the attic - how correctly to use every corner in the house?

Want to get additional space in your house, then you should arrange the attic. There are a number of features that should be considered when decorating the ceiling, walls, windows and entrance. Additional square meters can be used to organize different rooms.

How to equip the attic?

When designing a design, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room and the heterogeneity of the ceiling. It is not recommended to organize an attic with a single roof, because there is very little free space. When deciding how to equip the attic room under the roof of the house, one should give such advice:

  1. It is not recommended to use different partitions and screens to leave the space as open as possible.
  2. Wiring for lighting should be laid in special HDPE pipes.
  3. Furniture must be placed along the walls so that it does not cover the windows. An excellent solution for the attic - modular furniture, which is easily reinstalled depending on the desire.
  4. It is not necessary to use cumbersome furniture for arrangement, which will add "gravity" to the room.
  5. Pay attention to lighting, which is not recommended to save. Please note that the total area of ​​all window openings should be at least 15% of the entire surface of the walls.
  6. Experts do not advise in the attic of the attic to attach shelves and mezzanine to the walls, because they are already experiencing heavy loads.

Arrangement of an attic in a wooden house

For houses built of wood, natural materials are better suited for finishing. The design will either consist entirely of wood or include wooden elements. Excellent in the wooden structure will be in the finish look fabrics, for example, you can install the original canopy. The design of the attic in a wooden house can be in different styles, for example, provence, country or loft .

We equip the attic with beams

The top floor of the house is an ideal opportunity to use ceiling beams for decorating the interior. Finding out how to equip the attic in the cottage, it is worth noting that, depending on the design of the roof, the beams can be bearing and hollow falsely-beams . You can use rafters, the main thing is to beautifully decorate them. What is important, with the presence of beams, the decoration of the walls can be the simplest, since all attention will be drawn to the ceiling. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the beams should be contrasting with respect to other surfaces, that is, walls and so on.

Attic attic with balcony

There are different types of balconies, but more common are:

  1. Construction on the side of the pediment. The most successful option of the extension, because the balcony will be almost the same width as the house. One of the important advantages - the construction of the attic and the balcony does not require the use of additional overlapping. When constructing an open balcony, it is necessary to conduct a thermal insulation of the floor. To do this, use a thick layer of insulation, on top of which is put a waterproofing film, and above the screed. When figuring out how to design an attic in a private house, it is worth noting that the partition with the main part of the attic should be slightly thinner than the supporting walls.
  2. The balcony is located in the roof of the attic. This option is erected at the stage of overlapping the roof and part of the building, where there will be a balcony, remains without roofing material. In this opening a perpendicular partition is made with an exit to the balcony, where the exit is equipped. After this, a separate roof is erected above the extension.

Mansard design - wallpaper

For wall decoration, wallpapers can be used and they can be vinyl, paper, bamboo or non-woven. In most cases, the attic is covered with chipboard, plywood and other materials, so a primer should be applied to the surface first and the joints should be leveled. Finding out how to equip the attic in the house, it will be interesting to learn all the features of choosing wallpaper:

  1. If the room has a northern location, then you should choose a wallpaper of light and warm colors that will give the room warmth and comfort.
  2. A universal option is a white color, which can be diluted with other color shades, for example, pink, blue, pistachio and olive.
  3. To give the room an invigorating atmosphere, choose fresh color solutions with some coolness, for example, shades of blue, green and yellow.
  4. It is impossible not to distinguish the feature of the attic - the presence of inclined surfaces, which can be emphasized with contrasting wallpaper. The result is an unusual and original interior.

Decoration of the attic ceiling

The optimal ceiling height of this room is 2.1 m, but for a full-fledged living space the value should be a little higher - at least 2.5 m. The roof and ceiling have a complex device that consists of: roof, frame, rebound, waterproofing, insulation, vapor barrier and finishing finishes. Arrangement and design of the attic can be carried out with such materials:

  1. Drywall. The most popular version of the arrangement of the ceiling. It is not recommended to mount the sheets tightly during installation, so it is worth to observe a clearance of 0.5 cm to avoid deformation due to climatic stress. Clearances are important to carefully fill in. If the ceiling has a high height, then it is possible to equip a two-level structure.
  2. Lining. Arrangement of the attic can be done by lining, so that there is harmony with the overall style. This natural material is not deformed, does not crack and retains an attractive appearance. Mount the lining is to butt. An excellent option is a lining with imitation logs. In the assortment there are wooden panels of different configurations, with decorative inserts and wavy form.
  3. Plywood. The construction of the attic with this material is similar to gypsum plasterboard, that is, there should be a gap that should be puttied.
  4. Stretch ceiling. A modern solution and, importantly, the canvases easily repeat the non-standard forms of the roof of the attic. It is worth noting the fact that the suspended ceiling does not let water pass, so you can protect the room from leaks.

Window decoration in the attic by curtains

The main decoration of the attic are sloping windows that can transform any interior. It is best if the room has windows and on the roof, and on the walls. The decoration of the attic in the Provencal style or in any other variant of design is clear that conventional curtains for inclined windows are not suitable. If you do not want to hide from the sun periodically, then you should buy special blinds or curtains for inclined windows.

Entrance to the attic

It is clear that to use the attic, it is important to take care of its connection to the main room, that is, to organize the entrance. The staircase can be from the street, if there is a balcony, but in most cases an internal entrance is used. In the ceiling there must be a hole where a screw or a flight of stairs is installed. Arrangement of the attic at the cottage, when the house is fully built, begins with the pre-reinforcement of the slab in the place where the hole will be made. It may be necessary to install support columns or lay a retaining wall.

Mansard design ideas

Who can not be pleased with the extra space, where you can organize not one but several rooms. The design of the attic must be done taking into account the chosen purpose of the room and design. Under the roof you can organize: a bedroom, a living room, a place for relaxation, an office, a kitchen, a dressing room and even a bathroom and a bathroom. Arrangement of the attic can be carried out, focusing on their own interests, so, there can be a billiard room, a place for games and even a home theater.

Bedroom design in the attic

The most common idea for the attic is a bedroom. It can be a room for adults, children and even a guest. Describing how to design the attic, you should focus on light and pastel colors, which will make the room as cozy as possible and increase the space. If possible, then arrange in the attic a small shower room and a dressing room. The area at the attic of the attic allows you to use not only basic furniture, but also additional items, for example, soft armchairs, sofas and so on.

How to equip the attic under the nursery?

Children will be delighted if their room is in the attic. There will be a place not only for beds and cabinets, but also for the gaming and sports areas. Near the windows should be placed tables for the performance of lessons. Finding out how to equip the attic for 2 children, it should be noted that it is better to use bright wallpaper for decoration, which will create a pleasant atmosphere. You can also paint the walls with water-based paint. The sleeping area should be located in the place where the highest wall, so that the ceiling does not press down from above.

We equip the attic under the sewing corner

An additional attic space can be used to organize a working area. The attic will be a beautiful secluded place where no one will interfere with your favorite business. In addition, in this place, you can safely keep a creative mess. If you are interested in how to equip a room with an attic, then it is worth proposing to organize here not only a sewing corner, but also an art studio, a place for repairs and so on. It is important to point out that illumination is important for small work, so if there are not enough windows, then several lights should be placed.