Spurs on the heels - reasons

Heel spurs - a small, but very painful formation in the foot. It gives a lot of discomfort. There are many reasons for the appearance of spurs on the heels. Knowing what leads to the development of calcaneal spurs, it is possible to prevent the onset of the disease.

What is the heel spur?

It is very easy to understand why the disease is called this way, you can see the X-ray picture of the patient. The heel spur does not appear to externally, but on the X-ray it is perfectly possible to consider a small spine. Because of this neoplasm, inflammation of the tissue develops, and unpleasant pain sensations appear.

When the spur appears, the heel begins to hurt. At first, the pain is felt only when walking. The most painful sensations are manifested in the mornings, but during the day they calm down. Over time, the pain becomes permanent and almost unbearable.

Why do spurs appear on the heels?

The person most of the time is in an upright position, pressing the entire mass of the body on the feet. At the site of the connection of the plantar fascia and calcaneal tubercle there is a maximum load. Because of this, small wounds and cracks appear in the tissues. They can heal by themselves, without disturbing a person. But with constant loads, the wound does not have time to heal. Against this background, inflammation develops, and small bony growths appear - spurs.

A common reason for the appearance of spurs on the heels is also considered flat feet . Especially combined with excess body weight. With flatfoot, the load on the foot changes, and the heel suffers the most from this. In especially severe cases, inflammation of the tendon and bone tissue develops in parallel with the spur.

Painful spurs on the heels appear in men and women at different ages. And yet, most of all the disease affects women under the age of forty. The development of calcaneal spurs is facilitated by uncomfortable shoes. Appear build-up can and those girls who wear high heels, and those who prefer a flat sole.

Among the most common reasons for the formation of spurs on the heels are the following:

  1. Problems with joints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system can contribute to the development of the calcaneal spur. Negatively affect the health of the transferred stretch marks, tears and other injuries of ligaments. Spurs actively develop in the period of exacerbations of rheumatic diseases.
  2. Very often athletes suffer from this problem, who regularly have to deal with heavy loads on their feet. Uncomfortable sports shoes aggravate the situation.
  3. The cause of the formation of spurs on the heels are infectious diseases.
  4. To contribute to the emergence of spurs may be a bad metabolism .
  5. Sometimes heel spurs are diagnosed in people suffering from poor blood circulation.

Knowing all the above reasons for the appearance of spurs on heels, the disease can be prevented. Regularly you need to undergo a full medical examination. In everyday life, it is desirable to wear only comfortable shoes (and this applies to men and women). It will not be superfluous to observe a healthy lifestyle that implies a proper diet.

If you have any first suspicions, you should definitely consult a specialist. Sometimes to diagnose the heel spur, you need to conduct a comprehensive examination. Almost always, patients take a blood test. This helps to determine the exact cause of the appearance of the spur and makes it possible to choose the most suitable treatment.