Than to feed the child in 6 months?

When the firstborn is born in a young family, new parents have a lot of questions. Colic, skin rashes, breastfeeding - no time for Mom to deal with these pressing problems, as another approach is on the way: what can the baby be fed at 6 months. After all, by this age the child has grown considerably and grown stronger, so his need for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can not be filled by breast milk or a mixture. Of course, mothers, who for some reason do not breast-feed, should begin to diversify the infant's diet somewhat earlier. But in most cases, the question of how to feed a child, acutely rises in 6 months. So, let's discuss what foods should be added to the crumbs menu, so that he gets all the substances necessary for the full growth and development.

Than it is possible and it is necessary to feed the child in 6 months?

As a rule, whether the baby is ready to get acquainted with adult food is determined by the pediatrician, being guided by the established norms of development. Thus, the weight of a six-month-old baby at the moment of feeding should double, the baby must make the first attempts to sit on his own, and most importantly, he should have an interest in the food that his parents eat (although often this curiosity awakens the children much later). However, almost all healthy children at the age of 6 months need additional nutrition, and the above evaluation criteria can be considered very conditional. For example, artificers introduce complementary foods in 4-5 months. From which the conclusion suggests that the main thing in this business is not age, but a competent approach and gradualness. So, most half-year-old kids eat five times a day, but some little gluttons still wake up at night, so that they can eat a little bit of Mama's milk.

Pediatricians recommend mothers to introduce complementary foods in the morning or afternoon meals to be able to follow the reaction of the child's body. Begin to introduce crumbs to other products need to gradually: the first portion should not exceed 20-30 g. It is better that the first dishes are one-component, then the mother will know exactly how and to which product the baby reacted. But, let's return to the question of what to feed the baby in 6 months, what products to enter first, and with which it is better to wait.

As practice shows, to start lure is better with vegetable purees. It can be a potato, squash, carrot dish - thoroughly boiled and crushed, initially one-component. If a child is not gaining weight badly, then doctors recommend starting with cereals (rice, buckwheat). It is not necessary, as a first dish to offer a crumb of fruit puree or juice, otherwise in the future he can give up less tasty vegetables. With fruit, it is better to wait until the baby gets acquainted with the main food. If the child began to receive the first lure in 4-5 months, then by the end of the 6th month of life, his diet can be varied with meat pies (from low-fat varieties of beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit, liver), meat and vegetable broths, egg yolk, cottage cheese .