Noises in the heart of a newborn

As you know, almost all the organs of the fetus begin their work even before his birth. So, the heart promotes the blood flow through the vessels, the kidneys produce urine, the glands synthesize hormones.

Only the fetus is the organ that does not function within the female body. With a first sigh, they straighten out and begin their work.

It is with the birth of the child that the heart begins to function more actively. Therefore, a mother can often notice how a neonatologist, using a stethoscope, listens to a newborn's heart tones to exclude possible noises.


All the noise that occurs in the heart of newborn babies can be divided into innocent and pathological. The first usually arise because of the formation of additional chords in the heart. In this case, hemodynamics is not disturbed.

Pathological noise occurs with such diseases as:

The diseases listed above always accompany a rather severe symptomatology, so their diagnosis does not cause special difficulties.

Causes of heart murmurs

Many young parents are horrified with only one thought that their newborn child may have heart murmurs. This fear is unreasonable, since the diagnosis can not be made only as a result of auscultation.

Causes of noises diagnosed in the heart of a newborn can be varied. In most cases, their occurrence is the result of the transition of the intrauterine circulation to the extrauterine. So in the fetus, exclusively mixed blood flows through the blood vessels, which is associated with anatomical features. Mixing of arterial blood and venous in the body of the baby is due to the presence in the heart of 3 anatomical formations:

After birth, they continue to function for a short time and as the baby grows close. That is why, in the first days of life noise can be auscultated, since the above-mentioned formations still function.

Arterial duct

Batalov (arterial) duct is the formation that connects between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta. It closes 2 weeks after the birth of the baby. In rare cases, it grows to 2 months. If after this age during the ECHO-CG in the heart of a premature baby, noises are diagnosed, this indicates the development of a congenital malformation.

Oval window

It is an anatomical formation that is located in the septum separating the atrium cavity. Its closure, as a rule, occurs during the first month and is associated with a gradual, increasing pressure increase in the left atrium. Many mothers, whose newborn children are diagnosed with heart murmurs due to the presence of an oval window, worry about whether it is dangerous and if so, how much? There's nothing to worry about - the oval window can be completely closed, and by 2 years, and its presence practically does not affect hemodynamics in any way.

Venous duct

The main function of the venous duct is to connect the lower hollow and portal veins. It disappears very quickly after birth, and is transformed into a cord consisting of connective tissue.

Regardless of the cause of the occurrence, any noise in the heart should be subjected to thorough diagnosis. Those children, whose noises are a symptom of congenital heart disease , need constant follow-up. If possible, surgical intervention is performed, the purpose of which is to eliminate the blemish.