Use of goji berries

Goji is a Tibetan berry of the Lycium variety, which, by the way, has been used in eastern medicine for many thousands of years. Goji berries are used in the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases:

On the usefulness of goji can talk for hours, but, for some reason, the West learned and talked about this miracle remedy only a dozen years ago. Therefore, being ignorant in this matter, in detail and not hurrying to understand the benefits and principles of action, as well as whether the goji berries are suitable for weight loss.


Useful properties of goji are manifested from one awareness of their composition:

The most important property of goji is the fight against cancer. Thanks to selenium and germanium in the composition, goji is an excellent remedy for preventing, slowing the growth of the tumor, and also provides protection from the harmful effects of chemotherapy and helps to recover from illness.

What else are the goji berries useful for?

  1. Thanks to unique polysaccharides, they have been used in Chinese medicine for several millennia as a remedy against diabetes.
  2. Useful omega fats lower the level of harmful cholesterol.
  3. Thanks to antioxidants in the composition, goji is very fond of taking athletes for toning the body, and berries will be useful to women at the first signs of menopause.
  4. Goji causes the synthesis of growth hormone, which means it improves cell regeneration and prolongs life.
  5. Goji berries normalize sleep and nervous system.
  6. Goji is called "conjugal wine", since these innocent berries stimulate the synthesis of testosterone.

Well, and, after all, listing only a small part of what the goji affects, it becomes clear that by normalizing the metabolism, goji are incredibly useful for losing weight. This is evidenced by low calorie, and the ability to lower sugar and cholesterol, as well as toning the body, which will help to withstand high physical exertion.

We recommend to use dried goji berries, because in a freshly collected form in the middle band they are unlikely to be met. And dried fruits goji can be added to cereals, compotes, cook broths and just eat for tea.