Primary syphilis

Diseases of syphilis have been common in humans for a long time. And only recently his symptoms have been described and learned to diagnose in time. On this depends a positive prognosis for the cure of the disease. But even now many people, not noticing the primary signs of syphilis , do not start treatment on time and get unpleasant complications.

This disease is still very common and is one of the most difficult to cure. You can get infected not only traditionally, but also through blood and even with everyday contact. Therefore, it is very important that the diagnosis of primary syphilis is carried out in time to start treatment in time.

Symptoms of primary syphilis

The first time after infection, a person may not even suspect that pale treponema penetrated into his body. At this time even laboratory tests do not recognize the disease. This stage of the disease is also called primary seronegative syphilis. It is the most dangerous in terms of the spread of the disease, because the patient does not know what is infected, and is the source of infection.

The primary stage of syphilis is characterized by the appearance of an erosion infection at the site of penetration - the so-called solid chancre. Most often this is the genital area, but ulcers can appear on the lips, near the anus or even on the fingers. Previously, the disease was characterized by the appearance of one chancre, but now more often there are multiple erosions, sometimes complicated by inflammation. Primary manifestations of syphilis are easily confused with other skin lesions, but they also have some peculiarities.

What are the features of a solid chancre?

  1. This education has clear boundaries, slightly raised edges and a round or oval shape.
  2. Erosion in primary syphilis is painless and often does not cause anxiety in people.
  3. Hard chancre can be recognized by a dense infiltrate, well palpable at the base of erosion.
  4. Chancre has a bright color and shines because of the small amount of serous discharge.
  5. Usually erosion in primary syphilis does not cause redness of the skin next to the lesion, elevated temperature or other inflammatory manifestations.

The primary period of syphilis is usually observed no more than 2 months. Then the erosion disappears without a trace. This latent stage ends with the appearance of headaches, fever or weakness. Treatment of primary syphilis should begin immediately, because at this time it is easiest to defeat the disease finally and avoid complications.