Colic and ghazik in newborns - treatment

Such common problems as colic and carcinoma in newborn infants, give a lot of trouble to young parents. Moms and dads do not know how to help their baby, who suffers from intense pain and cry very loudly for a long time.

Nevertheless, there are many ways to save the crumb from suffering and greatly alleviate his condition. In this article, we will tell you how the colic differ from the ghazik in newborns, and what kind of treatment works best for these unpleasant problems.

Colic and Gasic - what is it?

Under the word "gaziki", physicians and young mothers understand the accumulation of gases in the tiny intestine, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and bloating. As a rule, in this situation, a small child experiences discomfort, due to which he can grunt, fart, press his legs to the stomach and so on. Meanwhile, the ghazik almost never deliver the child serious suffering, so crying and crying are rarely accompanied.

Intestinal colic, on the other hand, causes an incredibly intense sharp pain in the abdomen of the baby, so with them, he cries loudly and hysterically for a long time. Although these two problems may not be connected in any way, in most cases colic causes precisely gaziki, which inflate the tender intestines of the newborn. That is why, in order to alleviate the suffering of the baby with intestinal colic, it is first of all necessary to relieve it of manifestations of flatulence.

How long have babies seen colic and gaziki?

Most young parents, for fear of such a serious problem, are interested in when babies appear colic and fizzy, and how long they can disturb the crumbs. Most often, flatulence and intense abdominal pain first occur in toddlers about 2-3 weeks old, and the most violent attacks are to 1.5-2 months of life for infants.

After 3-4 months, when the newborn's digestive system is fully adapted to the new conditions and the food offered, symptoms of malaise usually begin to recede, however, this is all very relative. So, some young parents face intestinal colic in their son or daughter only after he is 1.5 or 2 months old, and by the end of the first half of the life of the baby they become the real problem. Especially often this situation is observed in premature infants.

How to save a newborn from colic and gazik?

All young parents, watching the suffering of their baby during colic and gazik, try to help him by any means. Meanwhile, not all mums and dads know what folk and traditional methods for this exist. Consider what can be given to a newborn from colic and gazik to ease his condition and significantly reduce the intensity of pain:

  1. One of the most popular and effective means is dill vodichka, which can be made on its own or purchased at a pharmacy. You can give it to kids at any age after reaching 2 weeks, approximately 1 tablespoon from 3 to 6 times a day.
  2. Another effective pharmaceutical means of colic and gazik for newborns is a mixture of Baby Calm, made on the basis of vegetable oils of dill, mint and anise. Before use, this preparation is diluted with boiled water to a special mark, available on the vial. Ready liquid for 10 drops dripped before each feeding into the baby's mouth or added to the bottle with the mixture.
  3. Preparations based on simethicone are suitable for treating and stopping colic and gazik in neonates. Among them the most popular are Espumizan, Bobotik and Sab Simplex. All these products are available in the form of drops or suspensions that can be added to food or given to crumbs separately.

Finally, during colic, as well as for their prevention is very useful: