The River Mapocho

Santiago , the capital of Chile , is known as an amazing city of contrasts. Here, solid historical buildings perfectly coexist with the glass facades of modern buildings. All this splendor is located on both banks of the Mapocho River, which is of great importance for Chilean culture.

Origin and significance of the River Mapocho

Several centuries ago the Spaniards led by the conquistador Pedro de Valdivia arrived in the valley of the river Mapocho. In 1541 they were given the order to found a new city in this place. Thus appeared Santiago, the capital of the independent country of Chile.

The food of the Mapocho River is mixed, but mostly fed by melting glaciers, in April it becomes very shallow. In the development of the city, it played a big role, so it was marked on the coat of arms of Santiago, along with it was reflected the surrounding landscape.

There are three bridges on Mapocho:

The ancient Incas created a convenient system of canals that diverted water from the Mapocho River, some of which are still in force. In total, the river has 7 tributaries, and judging by the descriptions of the first settlers, it was so large that it was impossible to wade it with a horse or cart.

Today, before the eyes of tourists, a completely different spectacle appears. All the old wooden bridges were replaced by metal ones, without supports. Since the river during the winter period spilled heavily, flooding the surrounding areas, it was decided to master its basin.

The cultural value of the river Mapocho

Mapocho is known as the first river associated with art. Indeed, it is on its southern coast in the communes of Santiago and Recoleta recorded 26 searchlights, which in total display 104 digitized pictures. You can see all this only at night, on the surface of the water between the bridges of Pio Nono and Patronato.

The river Mapcho was also reflected in the work of the famous Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, his work is called "Ode to the Winter River Mapocho". It is mentioned by other Chilean figures in their works, the banks of the river are even imprinted on canvas with oil. The author of the picture was Ramon Alberto Venezuela Llanos.

The location of the river

Mapocho originates in the area of ​​El Monte, the central part of the Andes and flows through the whole of Santiago , dividing the city into two halves. It flows into the Maipo River, in the Valparaiso region, near the village of Lloyeau. Of all the waterways of the city, it is the largest.